Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to tell you this now, Maisie. She's trying to weasel her way back into Theo's life."

My eyes widened. "What?"

"I've caught her trying to send messages to him a few times. Theo doesn't know. I deleted them before he could see them." She crossed her arms over her chest. "It pays to keep an eye on his social media. Not that he actually uses it. His publicist uses it for updates, mainly."

"Is that okay for you to do?" I asked, confused.

She leveled me with a dry look. "I don't particularly care if it's okay for me to do or not. I'm doing what I think is best for Theo, and his parents agree with me. It's been over a year. I want him to move on. I'm worried if she shows her face now, he would forgive her."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would he? After all she's done?"

"Because hearts are fucked up things that make you do stupid shit."

Wasn't that right? I fought my betraying heart every day lately I felt like.

"And Theo's heart is one of the worst. He's forgiving, understanding, and hopeless. A terrible mix."

"But... that's Theo's choice to make," I said, my hands gripping the front of my jeans as I protested Rowan's decision. "I know you think you're doing what's best for him, but Theo is a grown adult. He should make decisions like that on his own. Whether he would want to see her or not."

Rowan watched me for a moment, scowling. "You're kind, Maisie," she said, her words not matching her expression.


"I'm not. I don't give a fuck."

I made a face. "Oh."

"It might piss Theo off if he ever found out what I did, but he'd also understand why I did it. And I'm not going to keep it from him forever, either. I think he might be able to move on. And soon."

"Why do you think that?"

A small smirk flitted across her lips. "I have my reasons."

My said betraying heart felt a sting of pain. Did she mean he'd move on with her? Or did she mean just in general? I hated that I wanted to know. But I wouldn't ask. I painted a line I wouldn't cross anymore. "Rowan, can I ask you something about Theo? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"Just ask the question instead of asking if you can. I hate that."

"When he was shot, how badly was he injured?" I asked. "He didn't mention it, and I didn't want to ask, but..."

Her brows knit together, as if not having expected that question. "It's never a good injury when someone gets shot, but he did get lucky. The bullet grazed his side without causing any irreversible damage. The wound still bled a lot. If it'd hit over more, it could have damaged his organs." Her voice died out for a moment as if remembering the scene. "It was pretty terrifying. And if I hadn't happened to be trying to get something from his house, I'm not sure when someone would have found him."

"I see," I responded, not sure why I had asked. Maybe to know Theo hadn't been close to death? It didn't make me feel relieved. Did that even matter when he probably thought he was close to death?

"Anyway, don't you dare mention anything about Mackenzie trying to reach out to Theo." She approached me, standing at her full height, her hands on her hips as she tried—and succeeded—to make herself look intimidating. "Got it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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