Chapter 1: Clubs and Daggers Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Harsh as ever! I love it! Anyway, it's not a spirit ball or whatever! It's a very special, one-of-a-kind wishing stone!" Monokuma laughed. "With this little puppy, you can make any singular wish come true. Any loved one can be brought back, any accident can be undone, and any disease can be cured! Just think of all the good you could accomplish with this! Heck, you can go ahead and solve world hunger if you want! And all you gotta do is kill someone!" 

A hush fell over the room. I could practically hear the gears turning in everyone's minds.

This wasn't good. If people weren't considering murder before, they definitely were now. Even I found myself briefly considering the possibility, though I was quick to shut it down. I would never go that far. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Maybe I'm selfish, but I wouldn't be able to do it. No matter what was being offered. I was the kind of person who wouldn't even kill to save my parents. 

"Anyway, that's all! Have a lovely day and be sure to check out all the weapons! Monokuma OUT!"

With that, he was gone, and a fresh round of chills ran up my spine.

There was an awkward silence for a few moments until Yuuki spoke up.

"This doesn't change anything," he breathed, though his voice was softer. "We can't let this change anything!"

I was having a harder time trusting him, though. He was the ultimate hero. With that wish, he could save countless people. All he'd have to do is sacrifice one of us, right? Heroes make decisions like that all the time. If anyone were to be affected by this motive, it would be him. 

And I wasn't the only one thinking that way.

"We should lock you up," Maikeru said.

Yuuki turned to face him with a completely stunned expression. "What?!"

"We should lock you up," the security guard repeated. "You're the ultimate hero. You could save millions with that wish. Right now, YOU'RE the biggest threat. I don't think the rest of us are selfless enough to sacrifice each other to save the world, but you just may be."

Yuuki's shoulders sank as he looked around at each of us. Almost all the other students were avoiding his gaze. 

When his eyes met mine, I could practically see his heart shatter.

None of us trusted him.

He let out a sigh, then turned his gaze back to Maikeru and held his wrists out. 

"You're right," he said. "I... I'd be lying if I said the thought didn't cross my mind. But, I don't want to hurt any of you. I'm NOT going to hurt any of you. We can save the world without killing anyone. So... if locking me up will make you feel safer, then I'll do it."

I wanted to reach out and tell him to stop, but Maikeru had already pulled out a set of handcuffs and was attaching them to the ultimate hero's wrists. 

I get why people were suspicious of Yuuki with this fresh motive, but handcuffing him? That seemed a bit excessive. He's still the ultimate hero! What if one of us needed saving and he couldn't help us because of those cuffs?

"I'll keep him company," Sora said, moving next to the ultimate hero and placing a hand on his shoulder. He smiled in a way that brought his dimples back, but I could tell what he was really saying. What he really meant was I'll watch him and make sure he doesn't kill anyone.

Yuuki smiled and thanked him, but I could see the despair in his eyes. It tore me up inside. We hurt him. Who were we to suspect him right off the bat, even after everything he did to keep us united?

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