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"Gil Fester? Are you serious, Peej? I hate you so much," Phil Lester laughed and grabbed his coffee cup from the counter.

"Of course, Gil. I think this name suits you better. What do you think, Priss Lentil?" The boy had to turn around to calm his laughter.

"Good one, Peej. You're quite original. . . prick," Chris murmured under his breath.

P.J., who had gotten himself some-what under control, turned to face his best friends. "You love me though. Don't fight it, boys!"

Phil and Chris shared an eye-roll, but they both had a smile concealed on their faces. The pair moved away from the counter and sat in a table close to some windows.

The shop where they sat was called The Blue Moon, and was owned by P.J.'s parents. He was a barista of sorts- when he wasn't flirting with his customers or talking to his friends. He was extremely popular with the female customers. Usually, after the high-schools nearby would release students, there was a rush of teenage girls ready to get their daily fix of caffeine. . . and P.J.

The Blue Moon was a quaint little shop nestled between a quirky clothing shop and exotic pet store. Since the boys were all university students, many days in the shop were spent discussing their assignments. Many of these discussions, however, turned to more interesting topics very quickly.

"Are you crazy? There is no way Lady Gaga would beat the queen in an authentic duel. Just because she has a meat dress doesn't mean she's properly trained in the art of sword fighting," Chris tried to reason with P.J. There was nobody else in the shop to hear the conversations (thankfully), so the boys were free to talk about whatever they wanted.

Phil was too busy drawing to interject his opinion on the matter.

"God, Chris. The Queen is fragile, and has brittle bones. Lady Gaga looks extremely flexible and limber. You're fighting a losing battle here, buddy," P.J. retorted. The argument was getting pretty heated, until Chris leaned across the table to look at Phil's drawing properly.

"PHIL LESTER WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DRAWING?" Chris half-screamed, half-screeched. He was in shock, and had a valid reason to be.

Phil looked up abruptly and turned a light shade of pink. "Well, erm. . ." he tried to find an explanation. Deciding to be honest, he spilled the truth. "It's a naked me, but with a lion covering my areas, if you know what I-"

Chris cut him off. "We know what you mean, Phillip. That's so disturbing it's almost painful."

"More disturbing than two grown men arguing over who would win in a duel between Lady Gaga and the Queen of England?" Phil scoffed and closed his journal. He was a tad embarrassed, but not too much. These guys were just as weird as him; there was nothing to fear.

"Guys," P.J. knocked quickly on the counter to get the arguing boys' attention. "My mom just texted. You'll never believe what she said."

Chris and Phil both gave the same response simultaneously. "You're adopted?"

"No, idiots. There's going to be a new lad come to help out around here starting tomorrow." P.J. groaned and rubbed his forehead. "This means we probably won't be able to meet up every day. He won't understand our conversations."

Chris moaned and took a sip of his tea.

Phil, on the other hand, was always looking for opportunities to meet new people. "What's his name?"

"Daniel. His last name is Howard or something. Hopefully he's not terrible. But, knowing mum, she probably scared him half to death with all her hugging. If he accepted the job after that, mustn't be too bad." P.J. pulled out a rag to wash off the counter.

Phil smiled to himself and made a new goal: become friends with this Daniel.

[originally written on june 9, 2015 at 12:37 AM because i can't sleep and needed to get this headcanon written down. to be edited at a later date.]

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