Valerie and Nancy were outside in Nancy's garage watching Nancy swing a bat she found around "Make sure you don't take my head off with them moves" Valerie said as Nancy laughed at the comment before Nancy almost took Steve's head off "What are you doing here?" Nancy asks the boy "What are you doing?" Steve asks looking between Nancy, who was holding a bat and Valerie who was sitting on the steps with her bow.

  "Nothing" Nancy says to the boy "I hope that's not meant for me" Steve says looking down at the bat "What? No" Nancy tells the boy "Oh, no, I was just... thinking about joining softball" Nancy said "Well, uh, listen, I'm really sorry. I mean, even before you threatened me with the baseball bat" Steve says moving to lean on the car "Okay" Nancy says "I panicked and.. I mean I was a total dick" Steve says "Yeah your always a dick" Valerie mumbled making Steve look at her before turning back to Nancy "Yeah, you were" Nancy tells him.

  "Did you get in trouble with your parents?" Nancy asks "Totally, but you know, who cares? Screw 'em. Any news about Barbara?" Steve asks as Nancy shakes her head "Parents heard from her? Or?.." Steve says "No" Nancy tells him "Hey listen, why don't we, uh, why don't we catch a movie tonight, you know? Just kinda pretend everything's normal for a few hours. All The Right Moves is still playing. You know with your lover boy from Risky Business" Steve asks Nancy "Yeah, I know" Nancy says.

   "You know, Carol thinks I actually kinda look like him. What do you think? Huh?" Steve says before he starts singing making Valerie look at the boy "I just... I... I don't think I can. I've been really busy with the whole funeral thing and... with my brother its been really hard on him" Nancy tells "Yeah, sure. Sure, yeah, yeah." Steve says "So..." Nancy trails off "I should go" Steve tells her "Sorry... I'll call you later. Is that okay?" Nancy asks as Steve nods before Nancy kisses him "Yeah. Yeah of course" Steve says before leaving.

  "You're supposed to hit the cans, right?" Valerie says as her and Nancy make their way over to Jonathon "No, actually, you see the spaces in between the cans? I'm aiming for those" Jonathon says to the girl "Ah, I see" Valerie says as Nancy moves next to Jonathon while Valerie a pack of her arrows out of the bag and swinging her bow off her back.

  Valerie watch as the two exchange a conversation before Nancy shoots the gun hitting it on her first try "Yes Nance!" Valerie says as she stands back up "You try Val" Nancy said to the girl "Okay, I'm going to back up just in case the bows backwards" Jonathon says making the girl playfully roll her eyes at the boy before the three make their way towards a tree to let Valerie shoot. 

  The Henderson girl takes a deep breath before pulling the string back and shooting hitting the middle of the tree, smiling once she's hit it.

   The three start making their way back when Nancy speaks up "You never said what I was saying" Nancy says "What?" Jonathon asks "Yesterday, you said I was saying something and thats why you took my picture" Nancy tells him "Oh, uh.. I don't know... my guess... I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else but for that moment it was like you were alone or you thought you were and you know, you could be yourself" Jonathon tells the girl "That is such bullshit" Nancy says making Jonathon stop "Hey, what" Jonathon says to the girl, Valerie continues walking letting the two fight this themselves.

The three walk in silence as it gets darker Nancy holding the bat, Jonathon holding the gun while Valerie was holding her bow and all three had hold of a torch. Nancy stops walking making Valerie and Jonathon turn around to face the girl, confused.

  "What, are you tired?" Jonathon asked "Shut up" Nancy told him "What?" Valerie asks "I heard something" Nancy said. The three start making their way towards the noise, Nancy leading the way.

   "Oh, God" Nancy says as the three see an almost dead deer laying on the ground in pain making Valerie and Nancy kneel down "Its been hit by a car" Valerie said as she touched the deer "We can't just leave it" Nancy says turning around to Jonathon. Nancy takes the gun from Jonathon but hesitates "I'll do it" Jonathon tells the Wheeler girl "I thought you said-" Nancy goes to finish but is cut off by Jonathon "I'm not nine anymore" Jonathon tells her as Valerie looks between the two while Nancy hands Jonathon the gun before all three stand up.

  Jonathon cocks the gun ready to shoot when something pulls the deer making all three jump backwards as they all gasp, terrified "What was that?" Valerie asks as Nancy shines her torch on the blood before all three start following the blood trail. Jonathon with his gun at the ready and Valerie holding her bow up ready to shoot anything that gets to close "Where'd it go?" Nancy asks as she looks around.

  "I don't know" Jonathon says as Valerie looks around "Do you see anymore blood" Valerie asks "No.." Nancy says as the three continue to look around. Valerie notices Nancy looking at a hole in one of the trees before she makes her way over towards the girl, noticing the dripping stuff "What the hell is that?" Valerie asks as Nancy looks at her "It looks disgusting" Nancy tells the girl as they both get a closer look "Jonathon" Nancy calls out before taking her bag off "What do you think you're doing?" Valerie asks "I'm going to see what's inside" Nancy says "before crawling through "Jesus Christ" Valerie says before taking her own bag off and placing her bow on top of it before following Nancy inside.

  Once the two girls are out of the hole they are covered in sticky stuff as the two make their way further into this mystery world when both of their torches start playing up.

  The two hear something making them turn around to see some sort of creature making both their eyes go wide as they watch this monster eat something or someone. Nancy and Valerie both start backing up very slowly not wanting to attract whatever the monster is in front of them when Nancy steps on a twig, snapping it.

  The monster turns towards them opening it's mouth and letting out a loud roar making them both scream, dropping their torches and running. "Nancy! Valerie!" Jonathon yells as he starts running towards where he last saw the two girls, seeing both their bags and weapons on the floor next to the tree "Nancy? Val?" Jonathon yells out "Val, Nancy! Where are you?" Jonathon calls out before making his way away from the tree. 

 The hole in the tree starts closing up, giving the girls no exit... 

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