"Pinch his cheeks Izuku!" You say while holding the baby out to him. "N-No I-I'm r-really o-ok!" 

You move closer to him with the baby still being held outwards "Pinch his cheeks Izuku!" Said boys starts to back up but you aren't giving up you walk towards him. He starts running away and you chase after him. 

Kiri POV

Once Bakugo waddles over to Y/N and I see her pick him up to hug him I notice Midoriya watching from behind her. I wonder if he would want to hold him cause he's not the nicest to him and now would be the time to hug him if ever. 

"You think Y/N will catch on to how he really feels about her?" Denki whispers to me kind of. 

"Honestly, I love Y/N but she is clueless. If she hasn't figured it out by now, then idk if she ever will. Even Aizawa almost spilled but I guess he realized he didn't care or something."


Aizawa POV

Flashback in Italics. 

Underlined text is Aizawa's thoughts.

"Look Aizawa Sensei, we are going to need more info on how to handle him. I have never taken care of a baby nevertheless had a nice conversation with Bakugo beforehand! He is always yelling at me, and I never do anything to provoke him...sometimes he also pulls my hair then walks off :/" She whisper yells at me trying not to wake him up. She didnt have a problem waking me up:/

Yeah, because he wants your attention but can't figure out a better way. :/ Idk maybe try talking to the poor girl in a NICE way or something I dunno just a thought.

*sigh* "look Y/N I don't know why he wants to be held by you right now (Yes, I do.but sooner or later he will get tired of you and then you can pawn him off to someone else."  Having to stop before I say anything else..."First off oww second off I can't pawn him off, nobody in this classroom wants to take care of him!" "What about Kirishima? He likes Bakugo for some reas- I mean he hangs out with Bakugo." 

Whoops almost slipped up there. She looked at Kirishima and signaled for him to come up here. 

Great more students up here ruining my sleep.  He does so and she slowly tries to transfer the Bakugo to his arms, but he starts to cry. Who would of thought. :/🤦🏻‍♂️

*She Sighs because her arms are most likely getting tired* But then I see her try to comfort him by hugging him and doing that bouncy walk that I've seen moms do before I think... 

Wow, who knew Y/N would be taking care of baby Bakugo! Haha I know she didnt, she thinks he hates her. I'm somewhat worried if she is this clueless when it comes to 'love' I wonder what else she is clueless to. Whatever I'm tired.


Back to Kiri POV

"PINCH HIS CHEEKS THIS WILL BE THE ONLY TIME YOU CAN DO THAT!!!" Y/N says while chasing Midoriya around the common room. Guess I zoned out.  

"NO RUNNING IN THE COMMON ROOM IF YOU WISH TO RUN TAKE IT OUTSIDE!" Iida yells. "YOU WANT TO TAKE CARE OF BAKUGO IIDA?" Y/N yells at him taking her attention off of Midoriya for a second giving him a chance to make his escape. 

"No, I would rather eat another one-of Kaminaris dinners again." In the calmest voice I have ever heard him speak in.

"Heeyyyy! They are not that bad!" Denki whines. "Hahaha come on man I think they are alright!" I try to cheer him up. "Thanks bro. Hey, close your eyes" Confused but does so anyway I close my eyes and here Y/N from across the room "Dammit he got away!" 

Denki says to me "What do you see?" "Uhhh, nothing?" "that's my world without you bro." Eyes still closed I make a pouty face "Bro!" I love my friends! 

*I'm sorry I had to*


I find Izuku hiding behind a bush and tackle him with baby in my hands. Laying on top of him I sit up and wave Bakugo in his face. "If you don't pinch his cheeks I will not stop!" He sighs and reaches his hand to the baby and softly pinched his soft little cheek. Smiling that Bakugo did not hurt him or try to at least he was somewhat happy that you caught him. "See, was that so hard?" "I thought he would scream or something!" 

"You forget I have like magical powers or something and can tame the beast!" He chuckles at you and you get up off of the boy and yall walk back inside. You plop on the couch and lay down. Bakugo crawls on top of you and sits on your stomach crossing his hands with a pouty face. 

"What now baby?" Unnoticed by you cause of how tired you are his eyes widen a bit and his cheeks get a little pink. 

"No deku again" You smile and bring him close to you and whisper in his ear. "I know that was hard for you but thank you for letting me win!" He lays his head in the crook of your neck even though he is not tired in the slightest he just wants to lay with you. ☺️

You slowly drift off with your arms wrapped around Bakugo. 30ish minutes later you are woken up by Mina telling you its dinner. You take the blanket off of you not realizing you never put one on and headed to the kitchen. 

"Go sit down Y/N, I'll get your food and Bakugos." Realizing you would die for Kiri you smile at him with your eyes still closed from your nap and head towards the table. Taking Bakugo off of your hip and now sitting him in your lap you lay your head back and wait. 


After dinner you make your way up to your room with Bakugo on your hip you do your nightly routine. You set him on the bed and quickly change hoping he won't remember any of this when he is back to his normal self. He didn't see anything because you faced the other way but still. 

You then change him into his pj's which was a cat onesie and crawl into bed laying on your side facing him. You have him in between you and the wall so he won't fall off the bed overnight. He of course doesn't give you any space and cuddles up next to you. Which you don't mind at this point. He's kind of growing on you as a baby. 

Wow what a day huh.... first Todoroki sassing me then finding out Bakugo is a baby only to find out he wants nothing to do with anyone other than me!  

You look down at him seeing him fight the tiredness and put your hand in his hair. Yes, you've always wanted to touch his hair to find out if it was soft or not and now is your time. It's soft <3 Loving the feeling of you playing with his hair he stops fighting to stay awake and falls into a deep sleep.

He's had a long day too. 


1944 words

Baby Bakugo x Fem!Reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now