You and Niccolò arrived home.
You message Sofia.


                                                       Hey girly.

Hey Ma
How's school besides what happened yesterday? 

                 Nothing much just boring classes.

Oh god don't say that
I'm starting school in a few days!

                        Well it's not that bad I guess.
  I skipped 20 minutes of class today tho 😭

20 minutes??? What you doing skipping 20 minutes of a class?

              Idk I was listening to some music
                I was also with Brando for a bit..

With Brando? Why where you with Brando?

We were just smoking a little bit nothing crazy . So when are you coming back!
I want to see you!

In about 3 days..

Shit. Niccolò is calling me I'll talk to you soon ily💗💗

Bye Ilyt ❤️

"Maria come here!" Niccolò shouts.
"Yeah, yeah I'm coming!" You walk in his room.
"Yes?" You ask.
"Brando is throwing a party on Friday, we are all invited" Niccolò says
"Ooo a party first week of school.. cool tell him I'll be there." You say.
Niccolò laughs "you can tell him you have his number"
"Oh yeah I forgot" you laugh.
"You've been weird lately.. you good?" Niccolò says
"What do you mean" you say.
Shit if he find out that I like Brando I'm fucked.
"I don't know your just weird, like you read books instead of hanging out with people" he laughs.
Few. "It's just Sofia doesn't go to our school and I don't really fit in the Victoria and her. Minions" you laugh.
"You can always hang out with me and Brando." He says.
"You guys are boys it's different.. and besides your my brother" you say.
"You do you I guess" he laughs.
You walk back to your room and text Brando.


    Hey heard about the party.. can't wait 🤪

You can never go wrong with a party.

Yeah, you haven't thrown a party in a while

Yeah just haven't had the time to lmao.

      Hey btw do you have any weed on you?
                           I'll pay you 20 euros for it

It's usually cost double the amount 😂
But cuz I know you It's a deal.

Come at 11:30 Niccolò is staying the night with Victoria.

Okay cool see you soon 🙃

                                                          Bye :)

Brando smiles as he puts his phone down..
Perla walks in.
"Ooo someone's crushinggg" she says.
"Perla! Get out of my room!" He gets up.
"Who's this mystery girl?" She chuckles.
"It's no one Perla, now go! " he says as she leaves his room.

Few hours later and it's dark outside..
you hear honking and you go outside in your shorts and a oversized hoodie.

Brando is there leaning on his car, smoking.
You smile.
"Have you got it" you look at him.
"It's here" he gives you the bag.
You give the euros
"I'm gonna go now, bye" you say.
"Wait don't go!" Brando looks at you.
"Wanna smoke some now" he smiles.
Oh my.. someone pinch me, am I dreaming?
"Sure" you smile back at him.
"Here come sit" he says
You guys sit on top of the front of his car.
And you guys start to smoke, cigarette after cigarette.
"woahhh is it just me or the stars are spinning" you laugh.
"yep looks like their spinning to me aswell." He laughs.
"Is it true you find me pretty?" You ask him
"Maria do you even know what your saying?" He looks at you.
"I don't even know I'm so high right now" you look at him. He looks back at you.
He exhales the smoke on your face.
"Are you high enough" he smiles.
You laugh.
"Hey that's enough now I don't want to pass out"You get up.
"True" he gets up aswell.
"Thanks for today" you say.
"No worries" he gets in his car.

You go back inside and fall asleep..

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