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 You all hide your bikes under an old bus. "Hurry! Go, go, go!" -Dustin. You all run into the bus as fast as you can. "Get down!" -Dustin. You all get on the floor in the back. "Mental." -Dustin. You all get seated. Lucas is by the window, El and Dustin are behind you and Mike, you're sitting next to Mike leaning on him. "You hear Dustin's supercom. "Mike? Mike are you there?" You hear Nancy's voice. "You guys hear that?" -Dustin. "Mike, it's me, Nancy." -Supercom. Mike grabs his supercom from his backpack and holds it up. "Mike, we need you to answer." -Nancy on the supercom. "Is that your sister?" -Lucas. "Okay, this is really weird." -Dustin. Lucas is about to answer. "Don't answer." -Mike grabs the supercom from him. "She said it's an emergency." -Lucas. "What if it's a trick?" -Mike. "It's your sister!" -Lucas. "What if the bad people kidnapped her? What if they're forcing her to answer?" -Mike. "I need you to answer." -Nancy on the supercom. "It's like Lando Carissian. Don't answer." -Dustin. "Listen kid this is the chief. If you're there, pick up. we know you're in trouble and we know about the girl." -Hopper on the supercom. "Why is she with the chief?" -Lucas. "How the he** does he know about.." -Dustin. "We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy, over." -Hopper on the supercom. After a second of thinking, Mike replies with, "yeah, I copy. It's Mike. I'm here. We're here."

 You guys tell him where you are. Dustin is pacing around, Lucas is sitting on one seat, El is on another seat, and you and Mike are sitting on the floor. "Will you stop pacing?" -Mike. "It's been way too long. You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe this is all a trap and the bad men are coming to get us right now!" -Dustin. "Why would the chief set us up? Nancy, maybe. But the chief?" -Lucas. "Lando Calrissian." -Dustin. "Would you shut up about Lando?" -Lucas.

 "I don't feel good about this. I don't feel good about this!" -Dustin. "When do you feel good about anything?!" -Lucas. You all hear a truck and run to the front of the bus. You look out the front window and see two government trucks pull up. "Sh**!" -Dustin. You all run and hide at the back of the bus behind seats. You're hiding behind a seat with Mike, holding his hand. "Lando." -Dustin. "You think they saw us?" -Lucas. "Both of you, shut up" -Mike. The door starts to open then you hear men fighting. You all look up from behind the seats and see Hopper walk in. "All right, let's go" -Hopper. You all hesitate for a moment. "Let's go!" -Hopper. You grab your bags and follow him out. 

He drives you guys to the Byers' house. When you get out, Nancy runs to Mike and hugs him. "I was so worried about you!" -Nancy. "Oh.. Yeah me too." -Mike. She looks over at El. "Is that my dress?" -Nancy. You all get inside and Mike explains everything about the upside down, the gate, and The flea and the acrobat. "Is this gate underground?" -Hopper. "Yes." -El. "Near a large water tank?" -Hopper. "Yes." -El. "How do you know all that?" -Dustin. "He's seen it." -Mike. "Is there any way that you could... That you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this-" -Joyce. "The upside down." -El. "Down. Yeah." -Joyce. El nods. "And my friend Barbara. Can you find her, too?" -Nancy. She says she needs pictures of them. 

She sits at the dinner table with both of their pictures in front of her, static playing from a supercom. "I'm sorry." -El. "What? What's wrong? What happened?" -Joyce. "I can't find them" -El. El goes off to the bathroom. "Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak." -Mike. "The more energy she uses, the more tired she gets" -Dustin. "Like, she flipped a van earlier" -You. "It was awesome" -Dustin. "But she's drained" -Mike. "Like a bad battery" -Dustin. "Well... How do we make her better?" -Joyce. "We don't. We just have to wait and try again." -Mike. "Well, how long?" -Nancy. "I don't know." -Mike. "The bath." -El says from behind everyone. "What?" -Joyce. "I can find them. In the bath" -El.

 She explains that she would be put in a sensory deprivation tank to look for people in the upside down. Dustin suggests that Mr Clark would know about it, so he calls him. "Mr Clark? It's Dustin. Yeah, yeah. I just, I... Have a science question. Do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? Specifically how to build one?... Fun... You always say we should never stop being curious. To always open any curiosity door we find. Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?" -Dustin. He grabs a paper and a pen and starts writing down what Mr Clark is saying. "Yup, uh huh, we'll be careful. Definitely, yup, thanks Mr Clark. Yup I'll see you on Monday Mr Clark." -Dustin says and he hangs up the phone. "Do you still have that kiddie pool that we bobbed for apples in?" -Dustin asks Joyce. "I think so, yeah." -Joyce. "Yeah." -Jonathan. "Good. Then we just need salt, lots of it." -Dustin. "How much is 'lot'?" -Hopper. "1,500 pounds." -Dustin. "Well, where are we gonna get that much salt?" -Nancy. "Hawkins Middle, they have tons of salt in the supply room." -you. "Okay, let's go then" -Hopper.

 You all get packed into the two cars. You all pull up to Hawkins Middle and you help roll the kiddie pool into the gym room with Dustin and Lucas. "It's upside down." -Lucas. "How does this even work?" -Dustin. "Try that side." -Lucas. "Son of a b***h" -Dustin. "Pull it back! Pull it back" -Lucas. "I am pulling it back!" -You. Mike and Nancy show up with the hoses and they attach them to the plumbing and puts one end in the kiddie pool. They level the temperature and Hopper pours in the salt. You and Mike sit on the bleachers and talk. "Jesus, all of this is so crazy" -You. "I know right. If you told me 2 months ago that we'd be looking for Will in an alternate dimension I'd call you crazy" -Mike. "Oh, I'm the crazy one?" -You. "I guess you are" -Mike. "Okay, sure. I just really hope we find Will, you know?" -You. "I know what you mean, I'm really worried about him. But we'll get him. Then we can finish our campaign and watch movies in my basement and my mom can make those smoothies that you like with popcorn and candy and sandwiches." -Mike. You smile at him. They finish testing the tank using eggs and you and Mike head over to the kiddie pool. 

El takes off a watch and hands it to Mike, you help him put it on. El steps into the pool and lays down. The lights start flickering and they turn off. "Barb? Barbara?" -El. You all look at eachother. The lights flicker again. "What's going on?" -Nancy. "I don't know." -Mike. "Is barb okay? Is she okay?" -Nancy. "Gone. Gone. Gone.. gone... Gone!" -El. "It's okay. It's okay. -Joyce. Joyce continues comforting her and she stops yelling. " Castle Byers... Will? " -El. "You tell him.. Tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming." -Joyce. "Your mom. She's coming for you." -El. Over the supercom, you hear Will's voice. "..hurry..". "Okay. Listen, you tell him to... To stay right where he is. We're coming. We're coming, okay? We're coming, honey.." -Joyce. "Just... Just hold on a little longer. Will. Will." -El. El starts breathing heavily and she springs up from the kiddie pool. 

Joyce comforts her and she's scared. You and your friends sit on the bleachers. El has a towel over her shoulders and is leaning on Mike. You don't like it but she's scared right now so you can't blame her. Lucas is on the row above you, you're next to Mike and Dustin is one row down. You all sit there, comforting her in silence. 

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