How Things Work

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The Pantheon Academy is a unique and specialised school. It's exclusive and is limited to a privileged few, essentially its a school for the Nobility.

This is How It Works:

The Pantheon Academy has 4 Sectors, much like how Hogwarts has 4 Houses.

Sector 1/Lord Khirön's Sector: AKA CHB

Sector 2/Lady Lupa's Sector: AKA CJ

Sector 3/Sir Mimir's Sector: AKA HV

Sector 4/Master Amos's Sector: AKA BH

To anyone outside the Academy, Sector 1 is to learn Independence and Physical Training, ex. Flexible Timetables.

Sector 2 is about learning Leadership Skills and Learning How To Work With a Team, ex. War Games

Sector 3 is about Weilding and Learning To Use A Weapon To Your Advantage, ex. Weapons Training

Sector 4 is about Getting in Tune With Your Magic and Harnessing Your Magic, ex. Battle Magic

Because this is a school for the Nobility, all the Characters have ranks, with children of the eldest/most important gods being Princes and Princesses. The rest are either Marquesses or Lady's, (I think atleast).

They will also have different surnames, (because of the Wizards). It'll be more thoroughly explained later.

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