I can't believe I have to work with HIM again

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Bakugou's POV

"So what is it that you want to talk about.. love" The green haired man says to me with a smirk on his face, I roll my eyes "I told you stop calling me that and we have real issues to deal with, here." I say "You know I'm kind of impressed, I can't believe your the unknown rival I've had for the past few months" he says looking at me with those god damn eyes of his. I roll my eyes taking out a file and putting it on the table we were sitting at "What's this?" Deku says opening it and looking at it "It's a file dumbass" I say and he scoffs "Obviously but what's in it?" he says getting annoyed "You already have it open so look." Deku then looks through the file then looks at me seriously "So you know about this issue too?" "Of course I know about it dumbass, they're trying to take 'MY' turf." I say "I'm sorry, 'YOUR' turf?" he says standing up and leaning on the table.


"I'll calm down if I we're you" Kiri says pointing his gun at Izuku in a serious voice "Kiri-" *Click* "I would best advise to put your gun down Ejirou" Shoto says "Guys, guys no need to be hasty here" Izuku says chuckling as he sits down "We obviously don't trust you" Mina says shooting Izuku glares that can kill, Izuku isn't phased by it. 

"Can't we have a chat without your minions around?" Izuku then says in a serious tone "No, they are with me where ever I go so deal with it."  I say as he rolls his eyes "I see.. *he scans the room* let's talk about this matter then." he then sits back in his chair and relaxes "Ok so everyone seems to call them The LOV" I say pointing at the paper "The hell does that even stand for?"  he looks at me confused "Hell I'm supposed to know? I really don't care either." I point to the paper "Sero did some digging and found out something about some jewel." I say pulling out the picture of the gem and showing Izuku "Well isn't that a beaut.. But what does that have to do with this?" Izuku says looking at the picture "It's not coincidental that the same day it gets announced it was stolen was the same day they made a move and we're announced as a gang, I have reasons to believe they are after it." "Well even if they are what does that have to do with taking over the turf?" Izuku ask and I snap then Sero brings me a tablet. 

"Do you know him?" I show the paused video "Who doesn't know the unknown/masked mayor of the city?" Izuku ask sarcastically then looks at me "We did a little background and everything circles back to him." I say "how though?" Izuku ask "That jewel isn't just some ordinary jewel, this a family heirloom to the Shigaraki family. You see the "s" in the middle made with other jewels?" I say pointing at the photo "Yeah I see it now, You've always had a good eye." He says looking at me then I look at him "*clears throat* So I figured if we can find who stole the jewel, we can find that gang and tell them to get the fuck out of town." I say and Izuku nods in agreement "We should get this done as soon as possible then. Iida, I want you to go check this out." He says "You think I'm gonna just gonna let you send your goon alone, I'll be damned if you cross me. Sero and Denki go along." I say, Iida then looks frustrated "Boss I'm not working with those idiots." Iida says then Denki puts his arm around Iida's shoulder "C'mon it'll be funnnn, right Sero?" "Of course, now c'mon" They say with a smile leaving with Iida. 

"We shall wait till they get back with the info, Mina you can escort them." I say "C'mon hon you don't have to be like that" Izuku says with a teasing look on his face, I look at him in annoyance  "he said you will be escorted, now leave" Kiri says and Izuku laughs "I was talking to your boss pound puppy" Izuku says making Kirishima get in his face "Ejirou, stand down." I say getting up and going between them, I see Izuku smirk then Kiri turns and walk away pissed I sigh then turn to Izuku 

"We have nothing else to talk about, so get-" I start to say before my phone starts going off and then the screen flashes red "SHIT" I say going back to my desk. "What is-" Izuku says before his phone does the same thing "Those motherfuckers!" he says furiously "Did you know about this?" he turns to me and says "If I did, that fucker would of been dead." I say face palming "So what are we going to do?" Izuku says then I sigh "Mina, pink cheeks I need you both to track this fucker and kill him." I say looking at them both "Why me? and you are not my boss you don't give me orders." pink cheeks says "Because besides me you we're the only good shooter on the team." I say "Ok, I see why Ochaco then but why Mina?" Izuku ask intrigued "Because Mina is the only person in this room that knows how to hack and we'll need it to break the damn ice off our personal info's." I say and Izuku nods then signs pink cheeks to go and Mina leaves behind her.

"You sure this gonna work? Katsuki they froze our bank accounts, all of our personal info is in their hands." Izuku says and I rub my head because of frustration "I know, I know already. Your nagging isn't helping. Can everyone give us a minute?" I look at everyone in the room instead of Izuku "but boss-" "I'm fine Kiri, just go" I say and he leaves with everyone else.  

"I know you talked to The Quix new boss, did it ever occur to you that he probably iced you." I say a little pissed "I'm sure he didn't besides Toshi works with them I doubt he'll let anyone do that to me." Izuku says "How can you be so sure? Toshi has been off his rails since Solar died." I say "Haven't we all?" Izuku says in a sadden voice, I hated that he was right. Who would of knew that Solar was the person who was keeping us all sane? "I want to talk to him personally." I say referring to The Quix new boss, Izuku looks at me confused "Why?" "Because if that fucker is up to something, It's best that I'm next to him so I can off him myself when I find out." I say and Izuku nods "Ok, let's go." He says standing up, I follow behind. This is going to be a long day.

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