The Funeral

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I was wondering if you guys want me to do other character POVs? Let me know, now onto the story.

Izuku's POV

"We are gathered here today for the death of Solar Eclipse Aizawa" The preacher says 'I can't believe it.. he's actually gone. Why do the people I love always get harmed? Why does this always happen to me?!' I stand up and walk away, I couldn't bare 1 more second in that place. "Izu!" someone yells I turn around already knowing it's Kacchan "Yes?" I reply back "I know Solar meant a lot to you-" he says before I cut him off "He was like a brother to me, even when he was going through a lot he kept his smile and made sure everyone was ok before himself.. He trusted me enough to tell me his secret of his past life, he let me help him when he didn't even want it... How am I suppose to l live with myself knowing my brother is dead?!" I say starting to shed tears "Izuku.. That's selfish, you don't think everyone here isn't grieving too? Think about how your Uncles feels, Toshi, Eri, even Shoto. Shoto watched him die in his arms. We we're all like family to Solar and I don't think he'd want us going around blaming ourselves because of his death, He'd want us all to be happy and continue to live our lives." He says I know he was telling the truth but I didn't want to hear it "Tsk I'm going to the bar." I say walking away "Izuku!" Kacchan yells but I just kept walking.

"5 shots of vodka please." I say sitting down at the bar and giving the bartender the cash "Ruff day?" He ask while making my drinks "Yeah.." I say sighing "*chuckles* You know this'll only temporarily fix your pain right?" he says giving me the drinks "Well that's fine by me." I say downing one of the shots "Can I have 2 shots of tequilla" someone says, I know that voice.. I look over to see it's Shoto "You came here to drink your pain away too huh?" I ask downing another shot then look at him "*sighs* Yeah.. I just can't believe he's gone.." he says looking like he holding back tears "It's my fault anyways.." he says "It's not your fault Shoto. He wanted to save you because he loved you and knew you had a more brighter future than him ahead." I say downing another shot and he lets out an sad chuckle "He said that same thing to me before he died." he says then downs one of his shots. I never truly gotten to know Shoto, I mean yeah we we're always around each other but only time I really gotten to know a little about him was when Kacchan or Solar said something about him I mean he is a pretty quiet guy. 

"There you guys are." Kiri says sitting inbetween us "I hope you 2 don't plan on drowning yourselves in liquor." He says laughing, me and Shoto both just look at him and his face gets a little serious "It's not something he would want you know." he says "Easy for you to say, you weren't the one who loved him to death or watch him die in your arms." Shoto says drinking the other shot "But you know what he would of said if he saw you both drinking.." kiri says "'You know this isn't going to fix anything, C'mon get up and let's go get some Katsudon.'" I say chuckling quoting what he said to me along time ago when I was depressed about my mother, He knew how much Katsudon cheer me up. "'Babe c'mon you can't keep drinking like this it's bad for your health, I know things are hard but we have to fight it and if you can't fight it yourself I'll fight it for you. Trust in me more and I'll be your knight my prince.'" Shoto says I think quoting what Solar said to him long ago "*sighs* He's gone now though, I don't have my knight anymore." Shoto says laying his head on the table "Well let us all be your Knights." I turn around to see it's Kacchan, Toshi, Denki, Mina, and Sero "Besides he'll probably haunt us if something happens to you." Sero says rubbing the back of his neck, Shoto laughs "Thanks guys." he says laying his head on Kacchan's shoulder who's now sitting next to him "That's the laugh we love hearing." Mina says hugging Shoto then Toshi hugs me "He was some peoples brother, son, friend, and boyfriend. He was one hell of man and we'll all carry on our memories of him, Instead of grieving over the life he had how about we celebrate it *picks up an shot glass* To Solar" Toshi says then downs the shot "TO SOLAR!" everyone says 

"What do you mean you're stopping the investigation?!" Shoto says slamming my uncle Hizashi's desk "We have no more leads Mr. Todoroki, it's like they disappeared off the face of the earth." my uncle says "Well let's find them! We can't just let them get away from what they have done!" Shoto says "Mr. Todoroki I understand how you feel, he is my son after all but we cannot let personal matters get in the way of our job." my uncle says rubbing his head "BULLSHIT." Shoto yells "If you or the police department don't find them I will." Shoto says determined "Mr. Todoroki stand down or you'll be fired." my uncle says making Shoto storm out of the office. Kacchan goes to follow him "You're seriously not going to search for them?" Toshi ask his father "*sighs* Toshi I know you wouldn't understand but there's no point in trying to find something no one knows about." my uncle says "Tsk so we're really going to let them get away with this..." Toshi says balling his hand into an fist "Toshi-" Hitoshi then gets up and leave, I stand up "Uncle I know it's valid to put your job first but he's your son and I know deep down you want as much revenge we want too, sooner or later you're going to regret stopping the investigation." I say then leave. 

We all sit in the living room in silence until Shoto stands up "I can't take this anymore, I can't just sit here and do nothing about it." he says "I agree" Toshi says "So what? Are you planning on breaking the rules and getting fired?" Kacchan ask Shoto "What choice do I have?" Shoto says "Shoto your not even thinking, how would you even find them? What's your plan?" Kacchan says "I'll figure it out as I go." Shoto says "Shoto don't be reckless." Sero says to him "I got it! how about we start our own gang?" Denki says "Denki that's stupid." Kacchan says but that makes me think "Wait- no it's actually a great idea." I say "Wait what? You aren't seriously thinking about starting a gang right?" Mina says in shock "That might be the only way to actually track them. When we we're at the underground The Quix wasn't the only Yakuza there, there were multiple. If we can expand our gang to get big enough and get an invite we can possibly get the chance we want." Shoto says "But how are we going to get big enough?" Denki ask "I can ask Ochaco and her friends, even jirou to join us and they'll maybe even have ideas" I say making mostly everyone nod besides Kacchan and Mina "This going to be too much though." Mina says "I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Solar is avenged.. Even if it cost me my own life." Shoto says "I'm in" Toshi says "I'm in too." I say "You guys can't be actually serious, right?" Kacchan says "Sorry bakubro but we made up our mind." Kiri says, Mina and Kacchan sighs then Mina nods to him 

"Ok we'll join too."  

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