It's our first f**king day

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Katsuki's POV

My alarm goes off at 6:00am and I slowly wake up. "C'mon hon wake up, You need to get ready so we can go." Izu says stopping my alarm. I sit up to see Izuku already dressed 'Jeez when did you wake up' "I know what you're thinking and I've been up since 5. I wanted to make breakfast before we go and plus I needed an morning jog." Izuku says then looks at his watch "Your grey shirt and your pants in on the bed already. Just go get ready" He says walking out of the room door and closing it behind him. "*sighs* today is the day dad" I say looking at the picture in my locket. Izuku gave it back to me not too long ago, He said that he feels like I need it more than him but he enjoyed looking at it when he was away. Boy he was right I kind of do need it more than him right now but I gave him my necklace with a K on it for an exchange, he of course denied at first but then agreed after I kept bothering him about it.

I get into the shower then after put on my clothes, I grab my black boots and put them on and walk downstairs to the dining area. "Hey beautiful, here's your breakfast." Izu says putting the plate down in front of me. It was eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and cereal it was an american breakfast. I then start to dig in and woah I was shocked I thought I'd actually get food poisoning considering the last memory I have of Izuku cooking was terrible but this.. this is an major Improvement but still who can mess up eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and cereal? "Your cooking improved a little nerd." I say eating more of it. He chuckles "Well.. I learned a little from my uncle Hizashi and I had took cooking class in highschool. This isn't all I can do but since we have to leave soon so I thought I'd make something quick." He says eating as well "Looking forward to see what you can actually do." I say then finishing my meal. I get up and was about to wash my dishes "Don't, it's fine. Besides we have to go right now." he says getting up and putting his dishes into the sink. "I'll ask Solar can he do them for me. Lets go."

We get into Izuku's car and drive to the police department. "This is it.. Our first day, We dreamt of this since we we're kids." I say looking at Izuku "Yep I can't believe it either, after so much we're finally here" he says smiling "I'm kind of nervous." I admit, he holds my hand and kisses it "Don't be, I'm here with you." He says making me smile, he's right he's here with me. I don't have anything to worry about. 

We step out of the car and go into the building. "We have to go to chief office" He says and I nod we walk into the chief office to be greeted by All Might?! "Hello, You 2 must be young Midoriya and Bakugou." All might says "Yes, that's us" Izu says smiling, I can tell he's not trying to fan boy. "Well here's your locker key and number and your uniforms should be in there with your badges. You both will be apart of my team since you both scored high out of everyone from UA. We have a meeting in about 20 minutes so get ready." All might says and we salute "Yes sir" we both say and walk to the locker room. We get changed and then started to walk towards the meeting room "The cop outfit suits you" Izu says making me blush "You don't look bad yourself you know." I say back at him 

We arrive at the meeting room and then we sit down waiting for instructions "Ok team we have to find a way to catch the Quix Yakuza they've been doing crime more than usual these days, Any ideas on how to stop them?" All might says and someone raises their hand "Yes Officer Todoroki?" "How about we send an undercover?" the old man says "That's a great idea but we would have to ask for for Aizawa's team help on this and we don't know if their easy to fool." All might says "Well we won't know unless we try sir." Izu says agreeing with the plan "Alright then it's settled, We'll get someone from our department to infiltrate the Quix Yakuza. I'll call Aizawa and ask for someone, Everyone is dismissed from this meeting and get back to your patrol." He says and everyone gets up to leave "Bakugou and Midoriya you'll be patrol partners. Thought it'll be nostalgic considering your fathers we're partners as well. No one could stop those 2 once they had their minds on their goal" All might says smiling "Yes sir" me and Izu says then walk to our patrol car and get into it. Izuku was driving while I was in the passenger.

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