Meliodas and I walked over to them as Elizabeth frowned then asked, "Shouldn't we help them."

     "Eh~Maybe we should, maybe we shouldn't. They have their own drama going on...but I guess we could check it out."

     "Hm...sounds like it's not my problem. I'm just gonna head in and eat more scr-WAHH," Hawk sighed before he was scooped up by Meliodas.

     Meliodas grinned, "Not so fast porky. You're part of the team so you're coming." Hawk oinked and snorted in defeat before Meliodas placed him back on the ground. I giggled at the situation before my laughter was quickly cut short by a sudden harsh shiver travelling down my spine. It was a similar smell and feel to King's but it felt way more potent and sinister. My body felt an even bigger urge then before to bolt out of there as every drop of blood in my body was screaming to flee from this area before it's to late. Unfortunately, the same feeling of terror and urgency caused me to freeze in place, unable to control my shivering body. My anxiety and uneasiness must have been evident on my face because both Elizabeth and Meliodas turned to look at me.

     "Are you okay?" Elizabeth asked rushing over to me.

     "N-No...NO! We have to get out of here and FAST," I shivered feeling the same waves of uneasiness pulsate and flow stronger and stronger.

     "Not so fast. I didn't even get a chance to introduce myself," a mysterious figure grinned, as he dropped from the sky, along side a much younger looking girl. The man held what appeared to be a holy knight who was shivering and crying as his neck was held firmly by him. Blood decorated most of the mysterious man's and the little girl's clothing. Both the man and the girl had white hair and piercing red eyes. Diane and Meliodas both quickly readied themselves for battle.

     "P-please...gah...let me go...I led you to them," the holy knight squirmed. The mysterious man licked his lips only partially swiping away the blood smeared across his lips before applying more and more pressure to the knight's neck. His finger nails dug into the flesh of the holy knight as he bit into the man seemingly sucking the life out of him. The knight let out a blood curdling scream as he could feel his throat crushing and bending under immense pressure before a loud crunch indicated the unfortunate end of the holy knight. Hawk squealed in fear as he trotted behind Meliodas.

     "You," the mysterious man smiled, "served your role well." The little girl beside him rolled her eyes seemingly detached and annoyed through the whole situation.

     "How cruel! How could you just mercilessly kill someone like that?" Elizabeth scolded while protectively wrapping an arm around me.

     "Oh~hm...your magic and smell don't seem human...whatever I can tell you'll taste absolutely delicious," the man beamed. I still stood their frozen in fear. I'm not gonna lie I'm absolutely terrified right now. I didn't think it was even possible to be frozen in fear. I felt their power. I know these guys can blow us all away in a second. We could all end up like that holy knight.

     "Stay away from her," Meliodas growled before pointing his broken blade. 

     The mysterious man put his arms up playfully in surrender as he chuckled, "Woah, Woah, Woah, No need to get hostile little guy. We're only here for her." The man pointed towards me causing me to tense up further.

     "We're not giving her to you," Diane frowned as she cracked her fists.

     The mysterious man's demeanour abruptly shifted from his earlier one to a more frightening demeanour as he smiled, "That's the thing we aren't asking we're taking."

     "Well we won't allow it!" Diane glared as she stepped closer to me, "Who are you guys anyway?"

      "All you need to know is that we work for someone very powerful and our master needs that girl," the stranger smiled stepping closer to our group. At this point everyone made a protective circle around me even Hawk.

      The girl, standing beside him this whole time without saying a word, shot a quick glare to him before knocking him over the head with her fist.

      "You fool! Why would you reveal not only our intentions but the existence of our master to our enemies," she scolded in a monotone voice.

      The man rubbed the back of his head before he whined, "Sorry Vation, I guess I got a little carried away. I'm just so excited! I wasn't thinking."

     "When do you ever...and you revealed my name to them," she mumbled under her breath before stroking her doll. At the moment I was too petrified with fear to even think about the weird dynamic going on between the two of them or why her name was Vation. What does that even mean?

     "Anyway," the man smirked as a black portal materialized by his hand, "lets cut the chit-chat we have places to be and I think I've said enough." His hand disappeared into the portal, before he slowly pulled out a medal object that was revealed to be a large sledge hammer. The girl beside him slowly lifted up her hands holding them up in the air like she was about to play a piano. Thin, white strings expelled from her hands as the doll she was holding this whole time was now floating in the air while giggling beside her.

     "Well this is pretty bad. Y/N, Elisabeth, and Hawk get away from here. We got this...probably," Meliodas ordered as he cracked a small reassuring smile. Although I was still frozen in place, I was still able to manage a small nod. I swear if this guy dies...

     "Don't die Meliodas," I frowned.

     "I won't" He smiled.


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