Start from the beginning

You wake up with your arms curled up, one of Mike's arms are around you. You feel mike start to wake up as well and so you pretend to sleep. He instantly moves his position and wakes you up. When you look you see his face is red, but you don't ask why. He says to you " I'm gonna get breakfast for you, me, and El." You sit up on his bed and straighten your clothes. He tells you to come have breakfast with his family, you and him start eating your food really fast. Nancy looks at Mike and says "Slow down, Mike. That's disgusting", Mike responds to her comment with "Do a lot of studying last night?" You hear them go back and forth. "Yeah, actually, I did.", " What was your test on again? Human anatomy?" you nearly choke on your food and hear mike and Nancy kick eachother under the table. Mike's mom says "Hey, what's going on?". All three of you say "Nothing". You finish eating your food and mike and yourself take the extra food in your pockets and run to the basement. 

Mike sits in front of El and you have your arm on his shoulder. He sees El playing with his supercom. " Hey, you found my supercom. Pretty cool, huh? I talk to my friends with it. Mostly Lucas and Lee because they live so close. Signal's pretty weak." Mike pulls the eggos from his pocket and hands them to her. "Got you breakfast. So listen, this is gonna sound a little weird, but I just need you to go out there. Then go to the front door and ring the doorbell. My mom will answer and you'll tell her that you're lost and That you need help. But whatever you do, can't tell her about last night or that you know me. Understand? Really, its no big deal. We'll just pretend to meet eachother again. And my mom, she'll know who to call." You listen and nod the whole time Mike talk until he's done. El just looks up and says "No" mike looks back at her and say "No?" She repeats "No." You ask her "No.. You don't want his mom to get help?" She shakes her head. You say "You're in trouble aren't you?" She just looks up. Mike says "Who're you in trouble with?", " bad.", "bad? Bad people?". she nods. " They want to hurt you? The bad people?" She points a finger gun at her head, towards your head, and then towards Mike's head. She says "Understand?". Mike's mom yells from upstairs "Kids, where are you? You're going to be late. Lets go." Mike turns back to El and says "Alright I'll be back just stay here, ok? Stay here."

 You and him walk back upstairs and tell his mom that you're gonna bike there. His mom leaves for work. "Maybe you should stay here with me and El and well keep me company?" Mike suggests "That'd be being nice!" You say after you go get El from downstairs, Mike says "You want anything to drink? We have OJ, skim milk... What else? Um what else?" El starts looking around the living room and Mike says "Oh, this is my living room. Its mostly just for watching TV. Nice, right? Its 22-inch. That's like, ten times bigger than Dustin's." She walks over to a picture of Nancy and says "Pretty". " I guess. That's my sister, Nancy. And that's baby Holly. And those are my parents. What are your parents like? Do they live close?" She walks over to the sofa and Mike says "That's our La-Z-Boy. Its where my dad sleeps. You can try it if you want. Yeah. Its fun. Just trust me, ok?" You feel like you're third wheeling Mike and El. It sucks its like Mike only shows interest when he has time, but when El is there it's like you're invisible. Mike pulls the lever on the side of the sofa and it extends. El is scared for a moment but then she smiles. "See? Fun, right?" He resets the chair and says "Now you try" she pulls the lever and it extends again. You sit to the side, watching them laugh. 

You tell him you have to go home, to go check on your brother and you leave them alone. When you get home, Steve walks into the living room and says "Hey don't bother me and my friends, they'll be here soon". You say "Yeah, whatever, king Steve". "Hey listen, I'm being serious this is super important and I don't want you ruining it.", " Sure thing, your Highness, do you want a lobster dinner while I'm at it?", He grabs your wrist "Listen don't screw this up for me. I'm in charge out you, got it?". After that, for the first time in your life, you were scared of your brother. He walked away, leaving you frozen where you were standing. You've always had a special bond with your brother, everyone else would hurt you guys but you were there for eachother. You would have eachother backs, he hated everyone else except for you. But now, even that's changed. You go to your room and play your music, not so loud that Steve hears though. You wait for Mike to call of you guys to come back to his house. You finally get the call and start to leave your house. As you leave, you see Steve and his friends arriving to help set up for his party later that night. He makes eye contact with you and you make your way out of the house as fast as possible, trying to avoid him. He could tell. 

Mike Wheeler x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now