Volume 2

31 1 2

Into the story, we go.

Oh god. What were you supposed to do?! You were stranded in some snowy forest in who knows where?! You felt like you were going insane already!

As you were freaking out you ran in all different directions in the hopes of finding someone to help you out of this place or just something like a hut so you wouldn't freeze to death. But, before you could take another step you heard a loud cracking sound behind you. This made you snap your head toward the direction it came from only to find.... Nothing. Just nothing. Oh God, you were going crazy... Was it due to the weather? How quiet it was? Why?

You stopped to think about your situation trying your absolute best to not freak out or just break down completely. You hated stressful situations like this!


Again. There was that cracking sound again. Was it a tree branch? You were surrounded by a lot of dead trees and snow so maybe it was some deer stepping on a dead tree branch? You were hoping it was because who knows what would happen to you if there were any wolves or bears in these woods. You didn't have anything with you to protect yourself so what would you do-

A hand touched your shoulder. It wasn't yours...

You quickly turned around. You were already freaking out and we're praying to every god you knew that you'd be safe. Please don't get any worse. Please, please, please!


It was a boy. He looked to be around 12-13 years old. He looked friendly too. Why was a little kid in these woods? Was he lost like you? He looked familiar though... He had red hair that was put up into a ponytail and red eyes... He also had Hanafuda earrings and a scar on his forehead... Wait... WAIT A DAMN MINUTE! How the hell?! Was this a cosplayer?? There was no way this was happening!!

Tanjiro POV.

Tanjiro had been outside in the woods trying to collect some firewood and maybe going into town to buy some rice for food or maybe sewing supplies for his mother. He didn't expect to see a woman lost in here. She seemed to be lost and panicked... It worried him as he always hated seeing people in a bad situations. So he tried to walk up to her but noticed she even got alarmed just by a stick being broken... She must have been horrified! Was she alright? Something bad must of happened to her to react this way. Poor girl...

So he did the second-best thing he could think of... Following her. Yes, he knew it was bad to basically stalk someone, but he had no other ideas, and he couldn't just leave a young woman in the Snowy woods without a coat! What if she got frostbite!

Once he got her attention she still seemed to be panicking and looking around frantically. She didn't seem to understand what he was saying either.... Well, it didn't matter. She looked like she needed to get warmed up before she got frostbite or even attacked by a bear! (It's happened before and it was one of the many reasons people don't live in the woods... Tanjiro is still traumatized by it.)
(A man got attacked by a bear and Tanjiro saw it.)
(Name)'s POV

You saw he seemed to be very worried for you as you couldn't understand much of what he said and couldn't reply to anything. You couldn't write much in Japanese or speak it. Well, again you were mute so you couldn't speak in general but, that's not the point. How the hell are you going to explain this? How the hell did you wind up in an anime and why was it you? You Weren't doing anything really interesting in life so it was really confusing for you... 

You held hands with the boy and he walked with you until you saw a hut. It looked familiar and you could guess how this was going to go... Oh god, were you really going to be a part of the Demon Slayer universe? It was clear this was way before Muzan attacked the Kamado family since Tanjiro looked far younger and everything looked older and not... In good condition... You really hoped that Tanjiro couldn't read minds since you didn't want him to hear you call his home bad or anything.

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