Chapter 2 Rollercoasters

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I was sat in Spanish, pretty bored until I heard Sam Kelly and Harry Fisher whispering behind me.

"Ooh, spill bezzie mates." I teased them playfully, wanting some gossip.
"Keep out of it, slut." Harry replied coldly, his comment left me confused and offended. How was I a slut?

"You've some cheek!" I retaliated.
"Oh really? I didn't notice." He said sarcastically as his voice rose.
"Wow." I scoffed.
"What did I ever do to you?" I asked confused.
"Exist." He answered quickly.
"Uh, excuse me, who do you think you are?" I stood up.
"Could say the same about you." He rolled his eyes.
"This is like the first time I've spoken to you since I got here. What's your issue?" I stood back, hands on hips.
"Harry, Leona, sitting down, please." Miss Montoya ordered.

I sat there still confused as to why Harry felt the need to call me a slut! I'd never even slept around-
Well. But that doesn't matter.

Soon after Harry stormed out of class, closely followed by Sambuca. I liked the Kelly girl, I just wasn't sure if she could say the same about me since Harry seemed to have a pretty solid opinion of me.

"Leona, a word." Miss Montoya said as class ended.
"Yeah, Miss?" I approached her desk.
"What was all that about? You and Harry arguing in MY lesson." She asked, setting a large pile of textbooks on her desk.
"Honest to God, Miss. I don't know. He and Sam were talking and I just thought I was being friendly then he calls me a slut! I don't even know what I did!" I exclaimed.
"Right, well I'll have a chat. Off to your next lesson." She sent me off.

As I walked out, Mr Clarkson walked in.

"What was all that about?" He asked Montoya.
"She and Harry Fisher had some sort of argument, he called her a slut for no apparent reason." Montoya filled Clarkson in.
"Really? Leona has been good this past week, well, since the Amy Porter incident." He said.
"I'll grab Leona for a chat now before this goes any further." He said, leaving the room.

I was almost at maths before I was stopped by Mr Clarkson.

"Ya 'right, Sir?" I asked him as he caught up with me.
"You and Harry Fisher. What's going on?" He asked I was sick of this question.
"Like I told Miss, I was being nice and he goes and calls me a slut, says me existing is an issue. It's the first time I've spoken to him too." I said in a bothered manner.
"He must think I'm slabbering about his family or something! That'd mean I'd have some cheek considering my family's history." I sighed, walking away.


After school, I always go to Ballet. I'm a part of the Royal Academy of Dance and I'm currently playing Odette/Odile in Swan Lake.

"Cya!" I waved Abbi off, before making my way down an alley that gave a shortcut to the house.

I knew going down the alleyway on a dark night was dangerous but it saved me the extra 15 minutes I could easily have sat in my warm and cosy bed.

Walking down the alleyway, I heard two bins crash together, probably from the wind. British weather problems.
About a minute after I heard a pair of three footsteps, fast approaching.
I tried walking on, the silence scaring me, just wanting to go home.

A fat-fingered hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Agh!" I exclaimed.
"Come here, pretty." One of the said.

As one ripped my jacket and leggings off, it revealed me in a pair of tights and a black leotard. I became very aware of my surroundings but the only words swimming 'round my head were.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening."

"Not again, not again, not again, not again, not again, not again."

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