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Jade's POV: (Written in second person point of view.)


You find yourself tracing the rim of your wineglass tonight at an exclusive party handled by your elder brother's girlfriend.

You're a bit tired out from mingling with a few of their friends and acquaintances which is why you are currently where you are—in front of the bartender, toying with your wineglass.

Nodding a bit to the rhythm of the dance music blaring inside the club, your eyes wander around the dance floor for a few fleeting seconds, amusement in your chocolate brown eyes at the happiness that's etched in the faces of the dancing crowd.

Bowing your head, you let out a short chuckle when you see some of the clubbers drunkenly swaying and stumbling to the beat, still attempting to dance.

You were one of those people in the dance floor—except you hadn't drank five glasses of alcoholic beverage earlier.

Now, you feel like you'd rather sit here and let your mind take a few minutes to reminisce.

You miss being here and it makes you feel nostalgic, its been a while since you came back to this club because you were out of country for so long. London was nice, but it isn't the same.

It's still different from when you are here. You feel happier here.

Turning back to the bartender, you took a quick glance at your almost-empty glass and asked for a bottle of scotch after having finished your third glass of Martini.

He eyes you curiously with a brow quirked up, you can tell he wants to ask you what it's for, but thankfully, he doesn't and instead, wordlessly provides you the bottle before servicing the other customers.

You twist the cap and pour yourself a glass and watch with interest at how the scotch sloshes and settles into your glass, the ice cubes knocking on each other and making a low 'klink!'

Maybe you're too drunk because everything feels so light, warm and happy.

Plus, you don't usually get easily amused in this kind of mundane stuff, but here you are, getting amused just from pouring the alcoholic drink into your glass.

You giggle and raise your glass, the rim touching your lips—you taste not only the alcohol, but also your strawberry flavored lip balm. Its a weird combination, but never the less, you find yourself grinning.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you see movement, of someone sitting on the empty stool beside you. You turn your head, curious as you've always been, you find yourself looking at a beautiful young woman, maybe the same age, or older than you.

You slowly turn your head back to look at the wineglass you now have sitting in front of you and you find yourself feeling nervous for some weird reason—you aren't supposed to, but you find yourself self-conscious when out of the corner of your eyes, you see her look at your direction with a smile on her lips.

And heavens, did you feel like you're floating all of a sudden just from seeing that smile. You know you've drank a lot of alcoholic drinks tonight but you're sure enough that you aren't supposed to feel like this, like your high from something as strong as drugs—except you aren't.

You're just high on her.

As cheesy as it seems and even if you hate to admit how lame it is, at this moment, it feels like the world has slowed down and nothing else seemed to matter but her.

You tap your wineglass, the smooth surface cold to your touch due to your chilled alcoholic beverage. It reminds you of why you're here and you can also guess that she's also here to drink when a waiter serves her a glass of Black Velvet.

Biting your bottom lip, you shyly gave her a weak smile and nod to her, lifting your half-full wineglass for a toast and she indulges your little gesture, the twinkling in her eyes and that dazzling toothy smile telling you that you did the right thing.

Bring your glass to your lips, you downed your drink in one go, and so did she or at least she attempted to, but she withdrew and gasped, laughing at the effect of the drink on her.

A childish grin makes its way to your face and you laugh along with her. You don't even need to speak a word, you feel like you've just made a connection with her, especially when she looks at you in the eye and gives you that very same dazzling toothy smile from earlier.

You thought earlier that you've gotten tired of being acquainted with your brother's friends and acquaintances, but you find yourself surprised that your enthusiasm and energy to talk to someone comes back in a rush—and it's all because of her.

 "Hi, I'm Jade. You are?" You introduce yourself, extending a hand for her to shake, you gaze into her expressive chocolate-brown eyes and grin widely.

You're a bit nervous that she might not answer you back, but all the doubts in your mind melts when the smile on her faces widens.

"I'm Althea. Nice meeting you Jade." She answers you back, seemingly as equally pleased as you're in this moment.

For the first time in your life, you find yourself wanting to introduce yourself first, and that's one action you don't regret initiating first when she reaches for your hand and grasps it tightly.


A/N: Slightly intoxicated Jade might be funny, I think. And yes, I do feel that if Jade and Althea didn't meet in Pearl and Gab's wedding, they'd probably meet each other in a club party (apart from the whole rest room possible meet up, but again that's awkward.)

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