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To say she isn't embarrassed and anxious would be the best understatement of the year, more so than when she questioned her sexuality. But really, can you blame her?

She made a vow to be sexually abstinent until she gets married, but at the face of her current situation, there's no way in hell she would not want the earth to just swallow her whole from pure shame.

'I want to die right now...' Jade internally mourned, cheeks still flushed red just like the hue of a ripe tomato.

Never before had she ever felt the need to crawl into a corner and just mourn. Until now.

She's regretting not bothering to at least educate herself or be at least interested in knowing how to pleasure her lover in bed. Her brother, Paul, did tried to give her tips the last time they spoke over the phone.

'Paul's going to laugh at me if he ever finds out. He's so going to laugh at me.' Jade cringed, already imagining the looks that her brother would give her. Not like he'll know, not like she'll tell him.

It's just a big shame though that she isn't that educated with this aspect of higher intimacy.

Shame on her, yeah, shame on her indeed for trying to go past through knowing about this vital aspect in a lovers' relationship.

So, can you blame her? She wasn't curious to know, much less search through Google for the information when she was still with David. She didn't feel the need to, until now.

Now if only she could use her phone and search Google, maybe a quick 101 on how to be good at sex?

Oh who's she's going to joke here?

She knows and hell, she's aware that her girlfriend already had several intense relationships in the past that escalated too high past R-15 that even the SPG rating that MTRCB implements on TV shows wouldn't be enough.

In other words, her girlfriend's experienced. Too experienced.

Just thinking about it, the Tanchingco heiress already wants to kneel down and curl into a ball.

She's dead sure she won't be enough for her girlfriend. She is after all inexperienced.

Okay, scratch the thought of wanting to kneel down. She already is kneeling down right beside Althea's queen-size bed, like a loser.

She isn't prepared for this. She just isn't.

"Hey, what are you doing there, love-love?" Althea giggles as she enters the room, freshly showered and wrapped in a white bathrobe. The smell of lavender hits Jade's nose and it increases her anxiety further.

"N-Nothing, just...looking at your carpet? It's...nice, yup, very nice." Jade replies with a stutter, eyes not daring to glance at her girlfriend's direction for fear that she'll just crumple on the floor like a pile of mush when she's already on the floor looking like a total idiot.

Althea scrunches her nose and lets out a giggle.

"Okay—?" Althea answers while also prolonging her answer, shrugging her shoulders to bid no problem to her cute girlfriend as she took a sit at the edge of the queen-size bed, the springs of the bed groaning to her weight, causing Jade's eyes to widen comically.

'She's near, shit, too near!' Jade bites her bottom lip, eyes staring down at her lap.

Jade panics internally, jumping a bit from her seat on the floor, which catches her girlfriend's attention in a not so subtle way.

Unbeknownst to Jade, Althea has already been eyeing her since she sat on her bed, well correction, their bed since Jade's living with her now.

At first Althea didn't mind what her girlfriend was doing on the floor, especially when she was talking about her carpet.

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