Chapter 37: World's Collide (Part 01)

Start from the beginning

"Claire, for once in your life listen to me." Jay grabbed her shoulders and held her still. "There's nothing you can do now. Your sister decided to sleep with a vampire. She violated the contract. The punishment for that is death and if you interfere. You'll be killed too so I suggest you." Claire crawled around Jay grabbing her bag. "Damn it, Claire," He kept pulling her clothes out of her bag unpacking her things as she packed them. "She's dead, okay, dead, you know as well as I that you aren't strong enough to fight Lord Grimm and Lord Alexander. She violated the contract, it's too late. There's nothing anyone can do so please for once. Just listen to me."

"What if it was Jayson, what if it were him?" Claire asked. "Would you want to sit here and be stuck waiting for him to die? Or, would you try to do something to stop it? Put yourself in my position before you start making suggestions. I have to go," She went to leave but Jay got in her way. "Move it, Jay or I swear I'll kick you so hard in the balls. You won't be able to have kids."

"I have done nothing but try to protect you." Jay remained in Claire's path. "I have always tried to protect you. I'd put my own life at risk just to keep you safe. I know, there's times you hate me for it. But I do it because I love you Claire and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. If you get caught up in this you will die. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try to stop you. So, kick me in the balls if you want, claw my eyes out. I'm not moving. I love you too much to let you throw your life away."

"You love me, oh please," Claire laughed. "So, tell me, did you love me when you stuck your dick inside Alexis. Did you love me when you kissed her in front of me? Was that out of love too Jay. No, Jay, that wasn't love that was betrayal. Which by the way was a dick move Jay. I wouldn't put out so you go and find someone who will. I thought that was beneath you. You're just like your brother. A total pervert who has no respect for women."

"Ok so, I'm the bad guy here." Jay pointed at himself. "I gave you a chance to be with me. I've given you plenty of chances. Sorry, I couldn't stay available until you decided we should date. Excuse me for finding a girl who actually gives a shit about me and deciding to choose her over you. Oh and since you're so perfect, let's take a look at some text messages shall we? They're from a friend of mine, I'm pretty sure you know him. I mean, you saw him naked." He showed Claire his text messages from Xavier. He had told Jay all about Claire's attempt to seduce him to get back at Jay.

"He texted you." Claire growled.

"Yeah," Jay put his phone away. "Xavier told me all about it. He's one of my best friends. He knew I had feelings for you. So in the end out of respect for our friendship. He decided even though he could sleep with you if he wanted to. He decided not to out of respect for me and my feelings. That, and he said you're a total bear trap. So, now that everything's out in the open and my feelings are officially hurt. I can honestly say, I'm glad I chose Alexis. I would have never done that to you Claire. The fact that you would. It really hurts. Like I said, all I've ever tried to do is protect you. I never wanted to see you get hurt."

"So if I hurt you so badly why are you still protecting me?" Claire crossed her arms.

"I don't know," Jay shrugged. "I honestly don't. Maybe it's because despite what you did. I still care and the thought of you dying because I didn't stop you. It would only hurt me more. So, I'll stand here because at this point, it's all I can do to keep you safe. Hate me if you'd like, blame me for Raven's death, despite that I'm going to stand here. Because unlike you," He stared into Claire's eyes. "I still care."

"Bro," Jayson ran over to him. "I know you can sense the vampires hanging out in our forest. So, are we going to do something about it or not? They seem pretty strong and I think the guy who killed our parents is with them. This might be our only chance to kill the bastard. So are we taking it?"

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