Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

◎Bringing a Baby Variety Show Control Group◎

"You said you were going to pick up your son? What?! You already have a son???"

After getting off the plane, when Jiang Lin and Du Jun heard that Jiang Mi was going After picking up their son, both of them were stunned!

Both Jiang Lin and Du Jun looked at Jiang Mi with expressions of disbelief.

"Well, yes, they are both eight years old."

Seeing the unbelievably shocked expressions on the faces of the two, Jiang Mi thought it was a lot of fun, so she added the age of her villain with a smile.

Hearing that Jiang Mi's son was eight years old, Jiang Lin and Du Jun were even more dazed and didn't know what to say! ! !

In the end, Du Jun held back for a long time before choking out a nonsense.

"Hahahaha! Eight years old, very, very good."

Compared with Du Jun's incoherent speech, Jiang Lin was calmer.

"If you need any help, you can call us at any time."

Listening to Jiang Lin's words, Jiang Mi nodded bluntly and said yes.

And on the spot, like two police comrades, they consulted some legal issues about domestic violence and child abuse.

"Uh? What are you asking for???"

Du Jun listened to the key words Jiang Mi mentioned about domestic violence, injury, psychological impact, how he would be sentenced, etc., and he looked blankly. Looking at the beautiful and outrageous girl in front of her.

"Oh, I just need to consult in advance to be prepared."

Both Jiang Lin and Du Jun are police officers, so they are more sensitive to this matter, especially Jiang Lin, who is delicate in mind, and she immediately noticed something.

So she looked at Jiang Mi with even more worried eyes.

"Do you want us to accompany you?"

But as soon as he said these words, he was "destroyed" by Du Jun, who had no winks at all.

"Ah? We still have a mission, will it delay the captain's arrangement of our mission..."

"..." Jiang Lin: What's the matter with itchy hands and wanting to hit someone? =_=

"It's okay, you don't need to go with me. Don't worry, if there is anything, I will definitely call you." Jiang Mi smiled and said to

Jiang Lin very calmly.

Originally, she didn't intend to bother these two policemen whom she had just met to accompany her to pick up the villain, after all, it was really too much trouble for him.

After bidding farewell to the two police friends, Jiang Mi got into a taxi and arrived at the current residence of the villain's son according to the address written down by the original owner.

The family that adopted the original owner's son was not a wealthy family, at most it could only be called an ordinary family.

At that time, the reason why the original owner's mother gave the child to this family was not because of other reasons, but because... this family gave the most money.

So even though the couple were not locals at that time, and they were strangers who were completely unfamiliar with the original owner's mother and had no relationship with them, they sold the child to this family without any consideration.

It was also for this reason that no matter how the original owner searched all these years, her child could not be found.

The only thing that puzzled Jiang Mi was... the original owner, who was eager to find a child, couldn't even find the villain's son, why... the person who revealed the original owner's "illegitimate child scandal" could accurately "pick out" the original owner's son? ? ? ?

This point is really a bit illogical...

Along with the thinking of a certain fairy tale princess, the taxi quickly arrived at a residential area that has been around for some years and has a very dilapidated appearance.

After paying the fare, Jiang Mi walked slowly towards the house of the villain's son's adoptive parents under the curious eyes of other residents in the community.

Since today was not the day that Jiang Mi made an appointment with this scumbag couple, but because they arrived a day earlier, no one came to pick her up along the way, and no one called to contact her.

The reason why the original owner chose to come early was because she really wanted to see her son, and because she wanted to do a 'surprise inspection' to see how the family treated her son.

If the family treats her son well, then she will take out a sum of money to thank the family for taking care of her son over the years...

Soon, Jiang Mi came to the house of the villain's son's adoptive parents according to the address Below the unit building.

She didn't go up directly, but walked to the sports and leisure area next to the unit building, and chatted with the group of old men and women who were playing chess and chatting.

"Uncle and aunt, I want to ask you about the family. Do you know the family of Liu Hongmei and Zhang Jun?"

Jiang Mi politely took off her mask, and she looked at the group of old people with a very cute smile. them.

Originally, Jiang Mi was very beautiful, and she was still very pleasing and beautiful. In addition, their fairy-tale princess temperament has always been very pleasing to the elders, so these old men and women are smiling at each other. It looks sweet and well-behaved, and Jiang Mi, who has a sweet mouth, has no resistance at all.

There was no need for Jiang Mi to say anything, and the group of old men and women hurriedly told the general situation of Liu Hongmei and Zhang Jun's family.

And Jiang Mi also got the information she wanted.

Although she knew that the adoptive parents of the original owner's son were going too far, she really didn't expect that this pair of scumbags would go too far! It was so blatant that he didn't care about other people's eyes and abused the original owner's son.

What can starve the child without food for several days, what can not buy winter clothes for the child to let the child go out to pull briquettes in winter, what has never let the child go to school, what can beat and scold the child since childhood as a nanny Come to order, what was beaten by this family to faint, etc., etc., a series of very excessive things...

Hearing that Jiang Mi, a little princess who was born in a fairy tale world and has never seen the dark side of the world, was very angry.

The things that the villain's son has experienced are far worse than those in the plot...

"Oh! What a crime! A child as young as Xiao Yu, who was abused by these two couples, is so stupid that he can't talk very much."

"Well, who said otherwise? According to his age, the child is already eight years old, but looking at his height and appearance, he is not as big as Zhang Jun's six-year-old son. He is thin and small, like a kitten. "

"But I heard that the child's mother seems to be coming to pick him up, so it's a good result..." "

That's not sure. My Liu Hongmei said that Zhang Yu's child was spent by them." I bought it from his family for 10,000 yuan, since I was able to sell my newborn son at the beginning, how could it be any better." "Oh,

Xiao Yu's life is miserable..."

Listen A group of grandpas and aunts sighed and lamented that their villain son's life was bad, and Jiang Mi actually felt the same way.

The fate of her villain's son is not only bad, it is too bad!

What happened to all this.

But thinking about it this way, Jiang Mi felt... Her villain son didn't seem so scary anymore.

He also has a little understanding of the fact that he will become a big villain.

Although she still didn't agree with his last extreme means of revenge.

"Uncle and aunt, I am the one you speak of, Zhang Yu's real mother."

Jiang Mi announced her identity to a group of grandpas and aunts generously, but after hearing Jiang Mi's words, she was still confused The gossiping old people were suddenly silent, and everyone looked at her with disbelief on their faces.

It wasn't until Jiang Mi said another sentence that everyone came back to their senses at this time.

"However, what I want to clarify is that I didn't sell Zhang Yu back then. I didn't know it at the time. I have been looking for Zhang Yu all these years." The uncles and aunts who came back to their senses heard

Jiang After Mi's words, she no longer only felt pity for the villain's son, this time, she also brought Jiang Mi with her.

"Oh! How did this happen! It's really a sin!"

"That's really pitiful for you mother and child..."

"It's okay, it's not too late, it's God that you can find Zhang Yu bless......"

Listening to the nagging but kind words of the group of uncles and aunts, Jiang Mi smiled obediently, and then asked about her villain's son.

"Ask Xiaoyu? He should be playing with Xiaolong in the back right now."

"It's just behind this building, not far away, or... I'll take you to find him...?" "

Then thank you, Auntie La!"

Jiang Mi bowed politely, followed behind the aunt, and went to find her villain son together.

And looking at Jiang Mi's back, the other uncles and aunts in the sports and leisure area were full of emotion again.

"Xiaoyu's biological mother looks really nice! It just looks a little too young." "

This girl is well-behaved and polite, and she speaks politely. She doesn't look like an ordinary person at all." "

And she looks so Beautiful, no wonder Xiao Yu is so good-looking, her feelings are all inherited from his mother..." "

She seems to care about Xiao Yu very much, Xiao Yu, this child has finally come to the end of all hardships..."

For this group of elders and aunts Jiang Mi didn't know that, at the moment, all her thoughts were focused on her own villain.

The moment she saw him, Jiang Mi frowned tightly.

Jiang Mi didn't even need to ask which of the children playing was her son, and Jiang Mi could distinguish at a glance who was her villain son among so many children.

There is no special skill, just because... among a group of white and fat children with clean and tidy clothes, only one child is as skinny as a sick kitten, and he is the only child wearing Torn and dirty clothes.


"Hee hee! Extra is a wild child that no one wants!" " A wild child

that no one wants



"Smelly too much! Dirty too much! Shame~~~~"


Looking at a group of children laughing and cursing their villain's son, although a certain fairy tale princess still can't accept the fact that she likes to be a mother, she still has a heart for this thin, thin and little girl in front of her. The cat-like child has a soft heart and a sense of responsibility.

She looked at the villain son who stood there in a daze, letting the innocent but hurtful "verbal bullying" of other children, whose eyes were dull like a puppet without a soul, Jiang Mi felt a little She pursed her lips distressedly, and strode towards him.

At this time, the children playing together also saw Jiang Mi.

Although this group of children is only a group of children less than ten years old, they already know how to distinguish between beauty and ugliness.

When they saw Jiang Mi, a beautiful big sister, they were all dumbfounded, and the children all looked at Jiang Mi curiously and shyly.

Especially the little girls who love beauty, they looked at Jiang Mi's beautiful flower dress without blinking.

However, it was such a beautiful big sister who stopped in front of Zhang Yu, who they usually dislike the most, and squatted down, opened her arms, and hugged the dirty and smelly Zhang Yu into her. in his arms.

This not only made a group of children stare at this scene in disbelief, but even Zhang Yu who was suddenly hugged was stunned.

Smelling the sweet smell in his nose, feeling the warmth from the woman, a little villain who has not yet blackened, just feels like he is dreaming.

But then, when he heard the words from that woman -

"Baby, Mommy is here to pick you up..."

When Zhang Yuzai heard these words, he felt even more like he was dreaming!

But... Even if it was a dream, he felt so happy...

But when he subconsciously pinched his thigh and felt the pain, he realized that he was not dreaming.

but...really? !

"You are my mother...?"

The little guy's body froze immediately, he raised his head, and looked at Jiang Mi nervously.

"Yes baby, I'm your mother, I'm here to pick you up."

Jiang Mi touched the head of the villain's son, feeling his dry and thin hair, her beautiful eyes slightly squinted.

【Ding--! Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the novice task! Get a novice gift pack and 10 redemption points. 】

Accompanied by the task completion notification sound from the baby raising system, Jiang Mi also took out her mobile phone and dialed 110 for the police.

"Hey, 110, I want to call the police. Some bad guys have abused my son and caused irreparable damage to my son..."

Before seeing the couple Liu Hongmei and Zhang Jun, Jiang Mi first gave them to the police. Reported.

The queen mother said that if it is difficult to find the police, if there is a crime, it is even more necessary to call the police. (#^-^#)

"Son, mom is going to teach you a lesson today. You have to remember that no matter what kind of bad things happen in the future, we can use the law to solve it. Use the law to defend Your own rights, to protect yourself, and bring the bad guys to justice."

"We are determined not to do things that violate the law and discipline!"

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