37- Reality

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Hope you enjoyed the last chapter. Here comes another one for you. Please enjoy.

Daniel's POV
I woke up feeling sore and tired. I rose from the bed then was shocked to see Beatrice beside me. She had never slept in my room before and she was also barely dressed.

What happened last night????. Hope it wasn't what I was thinking; oh shit!!.

I just went into the bathroom to have a quick shower and as soon as I got out I found Beatrice at the door in only her towel. I didn't say anything to her instead I walked past her. She followed me into the room.

"You can't act like nothing happened Daniel or you're not happy to have me"Beatrice said.

"Have you?, I don't want to have any conversation with you right now please"I answered her already getting annoyed.

"No Daniel, we're going to have this conversation right now, I'm done being patient with you, it's been five years Daniel, come on, enough is enough"She spat.

"What do you have to say?"I asked angrily.

"Thank you, firstly you have to decide what you want, I'm done with your nonsense, and just make sure you know what you're doing, don't make a mistake you'll regret"She began.

"Daniel it's time you come to realization that Damilola isn't coming back to you, and soon you'll lose another person you love Daniel, I'm tired of living with someone that treats me with disrespect and disgust, I can't take it anymore, if you still want me and Angel here, you'll treat me like the mother of your child"

"Last night I let you have your way with me after everything you've done to me, you broke me Daniel, I loved you with everything but what did I get in return betrayal and getting abandoned, I still came back to after that because of my love for you but you still did the same thing, enough is enough"

"I'm going to leave with Angel and don't think you'll ever see her again, since you want to live a lonely life well then do, you're running me crazy and I just can't..."Beatrice concluded before I began to hear sobs from her.

I was so confused on what to do. I don't blame her for anything that happened to me; I was at fault. She was once someone I promised everything then left her with nothing. I really felt bad for her; all I was good at was causing pain and nothing more. I had lost Damilola and wouldn't lose the only person I ever cared for like her; my baby Angel. She was my source of happiness.

"I'm sorry Beatrice, I'm sorry for putting you through this shit, none of this would have happened if I hadn't went on marrying someone my parents picked for me instead of you who I loved but I didn't have a choice and Damilola was a lovely person, I fell in love with her and my heart will always belong to her, you did all what you did to get me back I know, I was just going to leave you like that, I deserve it but please don't take away my new source of happiness"I said to her.

"Your source of happiness uhhhh?, What of her mother what becomes of me Daniel?, I can't keep hoping that one day you'll finally accept me, I can't keep leaving my life like this Daniel, things need to change"Beatrice sobbed.

"I promise you things are going to be different now, I'm going to change, no one deserves to suffer from me, we're good now, right?"

"For now"Beatrice said before she entered into the bathroom and shut the door.

I just got dressed then headed down. I wasn't off to work today but I had somethings to take care of. I kissed my sweet Angel a good morning and good bye before I left the house.

Damilola's POV
I got ready the next day to see Darasimi. I had taken Ayomide to his grandparents even though he wanted to follow me.

"I've got a lot to tell you Dara, a lot of things have been bottling up inside and couldn't tell anyone" I started as we settled inside her living room.

"I've missed you for real, I can't wait for you to meet Tobi"Dara said.

"I can't wait to see my little niece too" I answered.

"How did your parents react when they heard you got married to Clinton when you're still aware that you and Daniel are not divorced yet"

"What they think doesn't matter,  they were the ones that got me married to Daniel and it didn't work out, I love Clinton and that's all that matters"

"You know you never calmed down to listen to Daniel Dami, I wasn't lying to you do you know that?, he never cheated on you, I'm sure you think I'm still supporting him after everything but I'm being serious.......... I know you love Clinton according to you and I'm not telling you not to be with him, I just don't want anything to happen to you and before you decide to be with Clinton for the rest of your life, there are things you need to know" Dara explained.

"Things like??" I asked her. She had began again about this Daniel issue. Daniel was supposed to be a past tense but it seemed impossible.

"I'm not in the position to tell you, you'll have to hear it from the horse's mouth" Dara muttered.

"Horse's mouth?, who?" I asked.

"Your first husband.... He wants to meet you just once, he's aware you're married to Clinton now, he just has somethings to clear up with you" Dara replied calmly.

"So this is what all these is about?" I exclaimed.

"I don't care whatever he has to say, tell him that I don't want to see him" I added.

I didn't want to set my eyes on him again. I didn't want to bring back old memories or want to stir up anything between us.

"Just this once Dami, give him one more listening ear, let him say whatever he has to say then you can forget about him" Dara said.

Our first and last meeting for the past five years. My mind actually went to how he was faring all these years. There was still this thing in me that refused to forget him.

"Fine I'll meet him, can we just leave this issue?"

"Okay...." Dara answered me.
We spent the entire day talking about a lot of things. Things have really been different since I left.

Daniel's POV
I was glad to hear Damilola accepted to see me. It's been long since I saw her. I had this uneasy feeling. This was a last chance to clear things up even if she decides not to be with me again. It was fine as long as she listens to what I had to say.

I was still thinking about the whole Beatrice issue. What if Damilola came back, what was I going to do with her?.

Sorry for late updates. I've been busy seriously.

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*Next update soon.

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