Everybody's Secret - C.B

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Howdy y'all been a cute minute since I've posted but I am still alive. I had to take a little break and its been tricky for me to get back into writing but I am here and working so expect a couple one shots to be out and finished in the next little bit. 

Your Pov

"Shhh, shut up you idiot, you're going to get us caught!" I whisper over to my girlfriend who is currently laughing her ass off in some random closet we found on set. My girlfriend THE Cate Blanchett is currently filming for Ocean's 8 and although I couldn't be more thrilled to get to work on the set it's getting harder and harder to hide our relationship.

"Oh whatever! We've been together for almost two years besides everyone is going to know when I make you Mrs. Blanchett," Cate says as she pulls me closer to her to press a soft kiss to my forehead. "But seriously darling, I don't think any of them have the slightest clue," hearing her say this I can't help but feel bad that we are hiding, which was my request.

"I'm sorry that we have to hide like this. I promise I'm working everything out." I have yet to come out to the world and I wanted to do that before people found out about our hidden romance.

"Don't be sorry sweetheart, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

"Yeah until you're called to set." I whisper pulling her into me by the belt loops on her pants.

"Well then we better make the best of our time then shouldn't we?" Cate says against my lips. Cates' hands travel to caress my waist before sliding down further to grab my ass. I push slightly away from her with a gasp.

"Baby, as much as I love you I don't think we have time for all this here," I say, pulling a whine from the blonde. "I promise tonight I'm all yours."

"Are you saying there is a time when you aren't all mine?" Cate replies with a smirk gracing her features.

"Oh of course, especially when I'm around your sexy co-stars," I say, leaving a soft kiss right at the edge of Cate's lips before turning and walking out the door with a smirk.

"What's got you all smiley sunshine?" Sarah asks as she throws her arm around my shoulders. "Someone special call?"

"I guess you could say that." I say trying to hide the blush that creeps onto my cheeks.

"So that's why you're always in that stupid closet. Waiting for Miss Sexy to call." Sarah says with a chuckle as the two of us begin to walk down the hall.

"I'm not just waiting for her to call, it's more like we-" I get abruptly cut off as the closet door opens and out steps my girlfriend. I can do nothing but stare at the gorgeous blonde who seems to see my fear and walks to comfort me. Not knowing what to do I hit the panic button and bolt down the hall in the opposite direction. Although I can hear Cate calling after me I don't turn to look back and I only stop running once I'm safely locked inside her trailer.

Cate's Pov

I watch Y/n run down the hall knowing she is heading for my trailer to calm down. Even after she disappears around the corner I remain looking in the direction she took off to.

"Are you two okay? I thought you said that you would tell her we knew." Sarah says when I turn back to look at her.

"I will, I will, but I don't want to rush her. She's not ready to come out yet and I want to respect that." I continuing to walk with Sarah towards set. A comfortable silence passes between us but I can't help but worry about my Y/n and if she's alright. Her parents kicked her out for being gay when she was a teenager so the idea of coming out to people makes her nervous.  

"Hey Blanchett, where's your other half?" Sandy asks as she seems me and Sarah walking up to the set. "She's usually right beside you." Sarah nudges Sandy in an attempt to discreetly get her to shut up. 

"Sarah caught us and she got a little nervous because she isn't ready to come out yet. I'd really appreciate if we could stop talking about this for today." I say feeling worse and worse every time someone mentions Y/n as she has yet to return from the trailer. I can understand why Y/n got so nervous I just wish I had told her the whole crew already knew. It's not like it was hard for them. Sarah told me they saw us kiss in the hallway after I had a hard day on set, and Sandy said that people on the crew had seen Y/n's lock screen which was a dead give away of us. 

"I just think it's stupid, you've been together for so long and she still isn't ready? Don't you question her loyalty? What if she's just ashamed of you?" 

"First of all you have no right to make any judgment on my relationship. You know absolutely nothing, but I do. I know that Y/n is the sweetest person I have ever met who is always looking out for each and every one of you. I know that she would never take me for granted or use me for her own gain. I have never felt as loved and valued as I have when I am with her so forgive me for respecting her only boundary. Do you even know why she has a hard time with coming out? Oh, no you don't because you don't know her. I know her, I know each and every inch of her body, and I love her. So it doesn't matter to me whether or not I kiss her in public because even just her smiling at me I can feel her love. I love her and as long as I get to at some point I don't care how I get to express that love for her in a day." When I'm finished the set is silent some people are looking at me and some are looking just past me. I turn following their stares to see my beautiful girlfriend behind me with a tear streaked face clad in one of my hoodies. 

"Do you really mean that?" She asks a small smile playing at her lips. 

"Yeah, yeah I really do." She doesn't say anything more only smiling wider as she walks to me wrapping me in a tight embrace. 

"I love you too" She whispers into my neck before pulling back to press a soft kiss to my lips. "I think I'm ready to tell the world." 

"You don't need to come out to the world if you don't want to baby, I don't want you to do this because of what other people expect from you." I say looking in her eyes. She smiles and shakes her head. 

"I want to do it because I love you and I know that you love me and your love is never going to stop." 

"Wait two days and then we can tell the world. I don't want to rush you and I want you to make this descision with a clear mind so we won't accidentally trigger anything."

//time skip// 

"I'm sorry what was the question again?" I ask looking back at the interviewer rather than my gorgeous wife who is laughing holding on to Sarah. 

"Are you here with anyone tonight for the premiere because the fans have noticed that you have a lot of chemistry with Y/n Y/l/n, is she here as you date tonight?" The young interviewer asks with the same enthusiasm as the first time. 

"Well first, it's Y/n Blanchett now, and I would certainly hope we have chemistry she is my wife! Y/N DO YOU LOVE ME?" I shout getting her attention and an award winning smile. 


(Word Count 1299)

You made it all the way here ... jk it's not a long one but anyways thanks for reading!

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