The One She Loved

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Lady Madonna Tremaine 

Note: This one is all over the place, but it's important to note that Madonna treats Ella well and all the daughters get along. The marriage between Madonna and Ella's father was simply convenient and although they got along they were not fully in love. At least Madonna wasn't. I also don't know Cinderella's dad's name so we went with John because can you get any more basic?

Madonna Pov

I have married again. Don't get me wrong John is a great man but the marriage was simply convenient and was something that we did to avoid the hassle of people knowing I was gay. I have fancied women for as long as I can remember and have only married men to please my parents. After my husband died I decided I would be on my own with my daughters for a while but then I met this man and his daughter and I thought why not. Tonight we have a big party planned, all my friends have been invited along with some of my husband's friends. I am not fond of parties, but I have been told I make quite a good host. She was the first one who told me that. It hurts to remember her but maybe I will see her again sometime.

"Madonna, darling, the guests are here for you."

"Okay, I'll be down in a few." I stared into the reflection touching up my red lipstick, it was her favourite. She would always kiss me when we were alone, but her kisses never seemed to end when I wore it. I miss those kisses, the sweet whispers when we were alone at night, the small smiles and glances we would share in busy streets. I wish she knew how much I loved her, I would shout it from the tops of the mountains if I could now. I never told her and I pushed her away when she told me. All she wanted from me was, to be honest with her, myself, and everyone. She didn't want to be a secret anymore and I just kept her as one. I brush a few tears away before taking a deep breath and walking out and down the stairs. I mingle with a few of the guests and start to feel comfortable again like I can relax and let go a little bit. Just when I felt like I could breathe normally again, the woman at the door takes my breath away.

There she was...

Y/n Pov

You really didn't want to be at this stupid party, but John was a friend of yours and after you heard that he had remarried you wanted to check on Ella. Make sure she was happy and everything was okay with her. It had been years since you had seen either of the two and were honestly shocked when the invitation came. As you near the doors you could hear the laughter already bubbling through the party guests but one stuck out to you. You knew that laugh, it was hers. Taking all the courage you had left in your body you gently knock on the door with shaking hands. John answers and smiles before pulling you in for a hug. You smile and look around your body freezing when you catch her eyes staring back at you.

"Y/n, this is my wife, Madonna Tremmaine." John says motioning for Madonna to join him. You force a smile onto your face and you can tell she doesn't quite believe that smile.

"Lovely to meet you, ma'am," you say, taking her hand and enjoying the gasp she lets out when you kiss her warm hand. "Well, as much as I would love to stay and chat with you both, I know my dear god-daughter has already snuck off to the garden and I promised to visit her." You say smiling at John who chuckles and proposes that the three of you catch up later. When you walk away even though you don't turn around you know her eyes are still on you. In your head, you knew that Ella would have already snuck off with her horse to the lake in the forest but you head to the garden anyway to take a break from the party. The silence is pleasant but that is soon broken by a voice from behind you.

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