Chapter 1

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"Sir. We have located the child."

"Good. Where is she exactly?"

"She's in the ally. The same one we let her go in."

"Get a crew ready. We'll move in today."

You and Eren had been friends for two years now. You were 7 and he was 8. He had always wanted to see your "home" but you wouldn't let him see you were homeless. Lately, you had experience abnormal stuff happening around you. Like for instence, wilted flowers coming back to life when you walked by. Or when you became to hot, the temperature would suddenly drop to something cooler.

"(Y/n)!!!" Eren yelled running down the street. You turned around to face him. "Hi Eren! How are you?" You smiled. "I'm good. But your dirty AGAIN!! Come on..." He dragged you by your arm to his house. "Eren...I'm really ok...I'm cleaner then before!" You whined.

He slammed open his door and literally threw you into the bathroom. "Eren!! What are you doing?!" Carla yelled. "She's dirty!!" He yelled back. Carla stood and pushed Eren out of the way. "Go get some towels...I'll clean her up." Carla muttered as she shut the door. She quickly scrubbed you down and Eren came with a towel.

She dried you and put you in Erens old clothes. "(Y/n) sweetie...would you like to tell me where you live? So your mommy and I can talk?" Carla asked. "No. Mommy is busy....and...uh..I can't tell you where I live..." You muttered looking at the ground. "Mom were goin' outside!!" Eren raced out the door, pulling you along. Carla sighed and shut the door behind them.

Eren drug you to a small field by a lake. "(Y/n).....why won't you show me where you live?" Eren asked you looking out. " home isn't clean...and I dont want you to know where I live...yet." You mumbled looking down. He grabbed your hand and stood up.

You remained on the ground as he looked down at you. "Just...can I walk you home?" He asked. You shook your head and he sighed. "Fine...just be safe..ok?" You stood up and smiled. "Dont worry. Of course I'll be ok....and we can walk for a bit towards my home.." You suggested. He nodded and still held on to your hand.

You two walked closer to the ally the you wanted. You stopped him early and sighed. "Ok...this is where we part. I'll be ok." You smiled. Eren looked sad, then his eyes widened in shock.

"(Y/n)!! MOVE!!"" He yelled as he grabbed you and ran. You looked behind him to see men, with smiling masks on. They came flying three the air and just missed you. They started to chase you, holding a weapon you couldn't see clearly. Eren and you kept running, and ended up at his house. You turned back, and they ere gone.

Sorry that was kinda like before. Let's just say about your powers, you dont know you have them. You just kinda noticing them. And if u saw in the title that it was a modern AU story, I've changed it to normal. Yes where titans exist. I can't imagine it different. I'm sorryyyy. Sorry that was long, and I'll see u guys soon! Later


The Golden Child(levi x reader x eren)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon