"Yes we weren't friends before and no Jason hasn't done anything to me, but I want to get to know you without Jason getting in the way."

"Jason getting in the way?" I repeated,a bit confused now.

"Yes I've tried approaching you before but Jason kept giving me looks. It was annoying."

"But he hasn't done it to others."

"I take it as insecurity." He said proudly,earning him an eye roll. "And it makes it harder that you're always around him."

"... was I?"


"Wait what's in it for you?"

"I want to get to know you."

"You can do it without us being in a fake relationship. And isn't that too sudden. Everyone knows we don't talk."

"Then we'll tell them we don't just talk in school and that we hang out."

"And if they ask why."

"We say the truth. Jason got in the way". I looked away, considering the whole thing. At least that way Jason will get involved right? He'll leave me alone. But do I want him to leave me alone?

Yes. Definitely. Absolutely.

He betrayed me,so now maybe -just maybe- he'll feel the pain he inflicted on me. 

Oh wait no I felt no pain.

So I hope he just feels pain. For a long time. He'll be the one sulking, not me.


I took time to think about it. It was definitely too sudden, we just first talked to each other hours ago, but like I said, this is a perfect opportunity. Call me what you want, cliche or an easy girl, but I'm going to use this opportunity.

"It still feels too sudden,but deal."


"But you're sure you don't have any exes or something?"

"Why's it hard to believe I just want to know you?"

"Because you can get to know me by us being friends?"

"That's boring, and kind of a long process. Besides, you know you want this too." I rolled my eyes at him once again.

"Whatever. So we'll just burst in tomorrow and tell everyone we're dating?"

"No we'll burst in next week and tell everyone we're dating. We can be friends till then since that's bothering you."

"It isn't, but fine with me."

We sat on the bleachers,me doing my homework and Star eating a sandwich with her Latte which she forced me to follow her to buy. I was more focused on trying to find a way to tell her about my situation with Xavier, than on the questions on paper in front of me. But it was pretty unsuccessful.

"Why're you glaring at the paper like that?" I snapped my gaze to her and noticed she was looking at me. Like I was suspicious. My mind was all over the place as I tried to figure a subtle way to put it one last time.

"I'm about to have a fake relationship with Xavier." Yeah. Real subtle, Amy. Her eyes widened,but only for two seconds,then she smirked,disregarding her coffee and staring at me with mischief clear in her eyes.

"I didn't hear that." I groaned,returning my gaze to my book.

"I, am about to start dating Xavier."

"I knew you had it in you!"

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