neighbour pt.2 (m.f)

931 26 8

In which Max knocks on the wrong door.




Time seemed to flow fast when you were with Max. That was why had been about a month since you and hung out for the first time and it only felt like a week.

You and her had become closer and closer, spending as much time together as you could, yet neither Max or you had asked each other out.

At first you thought that she was scared to, seeing she had multiple reasons to be uncertain of asking you out.

First off all, you and her had never talked about your sexuality. Of course she could assume that your were into girls like that, but she could never be sure if it wasn't for you to tell her.

The second reason would be that she could think you liked someone else. You had told her that you liked someone but you kept every part of your crushes identity to yourself, knowing that if you would start revealing only one thing you would soon enough find yourself oversharing. That's not what you wanted.

And lastly, she could just lack the nerve to ask you.

Obviously you could have asked her out too, but you were way too shy for that and Max could know that if she paid attention, and you were sure she did. You had talked about it with her in one of your many conversations about your exes.

Though after a lot of nights in her dorm room, and a lot of studying together, a lot of trips to a coffee shop together, and almost every possible thing that wasn't specifically romantic two flirting teenagers could do, your mind started to wonder off to different places.

Like that maybe she didn't like you and flirting was just her way of being friendly. Or maybe there was another reason for her to not like you in that way.

Maybe you talked too much, or your front teeth were just slightly too crooked, or maybe she hated that shirt you wore three days ago.

You didn't know what it was but there had to be a reason she hadn't asked you out on a real date.


"Mc Donalds or In-n-Out?" Max asked. You and Max were on your way to your car to get a midnight snack. She had invited you over to hang out, and you decided to stay as long as you could, more time with Max meaning more time for her to make a move.

You weren't listening though. You were busy with other things. Thinking about the girl who was walking next to you.

But oh, you weren't ready for what the night was going to bring.

You snapped back to reality when you heard your name.

"Y/n?" Max had apparently stopped walking, and was now looking at you with concern washed over her face.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm really tired, I guess I zoned out. What did you say?"

The concern in her face faded a bit, but not completely. She like to think that over the last month she had got to know you pretty well, and she was not one hundred percent convinced by your excuse.

"That's okay, I was just asking you where you thought we should go, In-N-Out or Mc Donalds."

"Uhm, Mc Donalds, I'm really in the mood for one of their vanilla shakes." You tried to sound normal, not trying to bring attention to yourself even more.

"okay hurry up and get in the car then. Last one in the car pays." She said as she started running to the car.

"Max come back! That was sol unfair!" you yelled as you ran after her, opening the car.

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