on screen girlfriend (m.m)

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In which Mikey is your on screen girlfriend


You were sitting in your car, debating if you were ready to get out of it. See, your CoStar, Mikey Madison, had texted you asking you wanted to come over to have a movie marathon.

I mean obviously you wanted to, it was just that you kind of had the biggest crush on her.

You were casted in the new scream 5 movie a few months ago. That was where you met Mikey. Not only was she your cast mate, but you were also onscreen girlfriends. At first this wasn't that big of a deal. But after spending a lot of time with the whole crew, you couldn't deny your feelings anymore. Every time you had to kiss with her you'd get all nervous and giggly.

Mikey didn't seem to notice in the beginning but after a week of your giggles, Jasmin came up to her and pointed it out. This caused Mikey to pay more attention to you and she started seeing it too.

Mikey didn't now what to do with this. She knew that she liked you, but what if you didn't actually like her. And the giggles and the blushes were just because you found it awkward to kiss on screen.

So she decided to keep herself quiet about it, until you did something that made it really obvious that you liked her.

Then, on the last day of filming, you and Mikey were sitting next to each other in your trailer talking about the last few months on set with each other. The conversation flowed with ease, no moment of silence as you both kept having things to talk about. You then reached the topic of the relationship of your characters, and you said: "too bad I won't be kissing you anymore, I will definitely be missing it." Shit, that slipped out.

Mikey looked at you shocked. She didn't expect you to say that. But I mean, she wasn't complaining.

Mikey then started to lean in, you following her motion. You felt her breath on your lips and just when you were going to close the gap between you and her, connecting your lips to hers, Jasmin walked in. My god. She just ruined the moment.

You sighed, Jasmin not even noticing because she was too busy telling you guys something about how Mason just fell and spilled all his water on himself.

After that event, you didn't get the chance to speak to Mikey again. You guys were both working all the time and when one of you guys had the time to hang out, the other didn't. Obviously you guys texted every now and then, but never about what happened in your trailer.

So now that you were invited to her house, you weren't sure what was going to happen. The wrapping of the movie had already been a month ago.

After a few seconds of getting yourself together, you got out of the car, and walked in to her apartment building. Almost immediately after knocking on the door, it swung open and you were engulfed in a warm hug.

"I missed you so much" is what came out of Mikeys mouth.

You had not only missed her, but her touch too. When you touched her, you felt safe. It was a feeling you couldn't describe. But it felt amazing.

She led you in to her apartment. You had been here multiple times while filming the movie. A sense of familiarity washed over you.

You jumped on the couch, ready to start the movies.

"So I have a few options" Mikey spoke with excitement. "option one, the fear street trilogy. Option two, the ice age movies. Option 3, the scream franchise. You chose"

You thought for a second before answering. "mhh, scream franchise".

Mikey nodded and walked to the kitchen to gather the snacks.

She came back, started the movie and plopped down on the couch beside you.

As the movie was playing, you noticed Mikey snuggling closer to you by the second.

After a watching the first two movies, she started playing with your hand.

You looked at her, her head shot up and your eyes locked. Seconds went by as you looked in her beautiful eyes. You couldn't take it anymore. You had to kiss her. I mean, you were pretty sure that she wanted to kiss you back, otherwise she wouldn't have been trying to kiss you the last time you saw her.

You cupped her cheek and pulled her in. Finally able to feel her soft lips on yours. Although you guys had kissed on screen before, it was nothing like this. It was real. You and Mikey both had been waiting for this moment for more than moths.

It felt amazing. It was like you guys were made for each other. Your lips fit perfectly.

When you were both out of breath, you pulled away. "God, I've been wanting to do that forever" you said, still not believing that that had just happened. Mikey laughed and replied "I know, me too".

You guys cuddled up on the couch again. It felt so good, knowing that she liked you back. You didn't know what was going to happen next. Maybe Mikey wasn't ready for relationships yet, maybe she just didn't do relationships, maybe she wanted to but she couldn't because of her work.

To be honest, it was scary to think about. But right now you were just trying to enjoy the moment.

As it got later and later, you and Mikey got more and more tired.

Both of you eventually fell asleep on the couch, still cuddled up in each other.




A/N: sooooo... second one shot!! I have bunch of tests the next two days, so instead of studying (what I should be doing) I wrote this. Still not very long but, I'm going to try to make longer once when I'm finally done with all my tests and assignments. Anyways, just like the last one: if you have any requests or tips pls let me know :) (word count 1006) 

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