Alexandra raised her glass of wine in agreement, "Cheers to that."

They clinked their glasses together, the soft clink echoing through the hotel room. As the night wore on, Charles and Alexandra found themselves engaged in a heartfelt conversation, discussing the events of the weekend and their personal experiences. Charles broached the subject gently, asking if she had spoken to Lewis since their argument.

"Have you spoken to Lew?"

Alexandra sighed and shook her head. "No, not yet. He's been texting me nonstop, but I haven't replied. I know I'm stubborn, but sometimes I need to let the anger go before I can forgive."

Charles nodded understandingly. 

She looked grateful for his understanding and continued, "I'll talk to him eventually. Just need a little more space for now."

As they sipped their drinks, Charles shifted the conversation to her upcoming car upgrade, expressing both excitement and nervousness for her. Alexandra raised an eyebrow, curious about his mixed emotions.

"Why nervous?" she asked, genuinely interested.

Charles hesitated before answering, "Well, I'm worried that with the Mercedes engine, you'll be more competitive than me and get better positions." he shrugged. "You give us all something to be worried about. We've got something to fight against." 

Alexandra let out a soft chuckle, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Charles, you're an incredibly talented driver. Our races are for stunt purposes, and technically, they don't count toward your professional standings. So even if I get better positions, it won't affect your career in Formula 1." she laughed. "Besides, my only goal is to beat Lewis, just to rub it in his face." 

He looked thoughtful for a moment before replying, "I know, but that's not the point. I've seen you drive, and I genuinely think you're an incredible driver. If you'd not gone into acting, I genuinely think you could have been on the track."

Her heart warmed at his compliment. "Thank you, Charles. That means a lot coming from you."

They fell into a comfortable silence. As room service arrived with their meal, Charles and Lexi sat down on the hotel couch to eat together. Charles, eager to relax and unwind, suggested putting on a movie. He reached for the remote, intending to play a Bond film.

However, before he could start the movie, Lexi groaned and playfully snatched the remote from his hand. "Oh no, not this Bond movie. Can we pick something else?"

Charles chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Why don't you want to watch it? Afraid you won't be able to take your eyes off the screen?"

Blushing slightly, Lexi admitted, "Well, the thing is, I'm actually in that movie." She looked to the floor in embarrassment for a moment. "I'm the bond girl."

Charles burst into laughter. "No way! You're telling me you don't want to see yourself on the big screen? Come on, Lexi, you've got to watch it now."

Lexi playfully rolled her eyes at his teasing. "How about some music instead?"

Charles agreed, standing up to connect his phone to the hotel's small speaker. The soothing sounds of piano music filled the room, and Lexi couldn't help but tease Charles about his choice.

"Piano music, really? Isn't that a bit... sophisticated for you?" she teased, a playful grin on her face.

Charles shrugged a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hey, I have my moments. Besides, I love this style of music."

Lexi's eyes widened in surprise. "You do? I didn't know that. It's one of my favorites too."

As the piano melodies played, they both settled back on the couch, enjoying the relaxing atmosphere. Charles seemed to be lost in the music, but then he turned to Lexi with a shy smile.

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