"I gotta get to class," Draco quickly excused himself as he saw the rage behind Cynthia's eyes. "Just remember where your loyalties lay, Y/n," Draco glanced at Y/n before almost running off.

"Hey there, dear Sister," Y/n smiled as he tried to diffuse the situation, knowing full well that it was impossible as Cynthia reached up and grabbed his ear once more.

"What did I tell you?" She growled as she twisted her younger brother's ear, glaring at him as he grabbed her wrist.

"That you love me and I am the best brother in the world?" Y/n smiled before feeling her twist his ear more. "That you like Cedric and he might be my Brother-in-law?" He forced another smile before feeling her twist even harder, almost ripping his ear off at this point.

"Cynthia, leave him, please," A familiar voice spoke up from behind the blonde. "He just came out of hospital and he kinda did save Harry, Maybe give him some time to recover before you put him back there," Hermione joked as she joined the two Malfoys, Harry and Ron joining after her.

"You're lucky I have a soft spot for Hermione," Cynthia glared at her brother before letting his ear go. "Since you made sure she was safe, I'll let it go this time," She warned before actually staring at the other two boys. "If anything ever happens to Hermione, I will be coming after all three of you," She warned before giving the brunette a smile and leaving the quartet standing there.

"Your sister seems to get nicer and nicer every time we see her," Ron muttered as the three boys watched the door Cynthia disappeared behind.

"Yip," Y/n nodded his head as he stood there for a moment. "So, how are you two doing?" Y/n turned to Ron and Hermione.

"I'm alright, you?" Ron answered, looking at the Malfoy.

"I've been worse," Y/n chuckled as Ron and Harry shook their heads before he turned to Hermione. "And you?" He asked the brunette who smiled at him.

"Never better."

"Another year, gone," Dumbledore spoke as he looked across the Great Hall. Y/n had to sit next to Draco at the Slytherin table as they had their last feast of the year. "And now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding," Y/n shook his head, with Snape being a professor making it almost impossible for any other house to win the cup. "And the points stand as such, in fourth place is Gryffindor with 312 points."

Y/n looked over at the trio, Ron and Harry were looking at their food while he made eye contact with Hermione who gave him a sad smile, a smile which he returned as he could almost feel the pride coming of Draco next to him.

"Third place is Hufflepuff, with 352 points," There was another soft round of applause. "Second place is Ravenclaw with 426 points,"

To say that this was annoying Y/n would be an understatement. He couldn't figure out why he would be in a house that was so unjust and unfair, They were winning the cup because of Snape's biased actions and from the looks on the students' faces, this wasn't the first year either.

"And in first place, with 472 points,"

"That no one could ever earn," Y/n muttered to himself as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Slytherin," There was a massive cheering from the rest of the table, Slytherin students were hugging each other and high-fiving. Y/n just sat there as he looked at the defeated look on Hermione's face as she rested her chin in her hand. Y/n felt Draco grab him to pull him into the celebration but Y/n was fast to rip himself out of Draco's grasp and shove the blond away from him before turning back to face Dumbledore. "Yes, yes, well done Slytherin,"

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