Chapter 4

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The first day of classes had begun and Y/n was the first one in and out of the Great Hall for breakfast, he felt it would be better to wander around the school and get a better sense of the layout

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The first day of classes had begun and Y/n was the first one in and out of the Great Hall for breakfast, he felt it would be better to wander around the school and get a better sense of the layout. Right now he was on his way to the first class of the day, Transfiguration when he saw a familiar bushy-haired student walking not far from him. "Good Morning," Y/n called out as he caught up to Hermione, watching the girl get startled at his sudden appearance.

"Oh, hello there," Hermione squeaked as she looked at the taller boy next to her.

"Is everything alright?"

"Of course it is," Hermione quickly answered as she looked through her books for a specific one, smiling when she found it as she handed it to Y/n. "I believe this is yours,"

"Thank you," Y/n studied the cover of his book before looking at the books she was carrying. "Would you like some help with that?" He asked.

"No, thank you," Hermione glanced at her books for a moment. "I'm fine, what class are you off to?" She tried to get a view of his books as she spoke.

"Transfiguration with Professor..."

"Professor McGonagall, I am headed there as well," Hermione smiled as she interrupted the boy. "So, how was it being in Slytherin?"

"Extremely boring, had to listen to Draco brag about stuff the whole night," Y/n rolled his eyes as he shook his head, receiving a little laugh from the brunette. "I take it Gryffindor was better?" He watched as the girl's face faltered for a moment before a bright smile formed again.

"It was wonderful, everyone is so friendly," She explained as they reached their final destination. "Thank you," Hermione smiled at the boy as he stepped to the side and motioned for her to go first with him following behind.

"Good morning, Professor," Y/n greeted, to the confusion of Hermione. "Right there," Y/n gestured towards the cat that had been sitting on the table when they walked in. "This is transfiguration after all," Y/n whispered to her as he watched her slowly realize what he meant.

"Oh, my apologies," Hermione looked shocked as she turned to the cat. "Good morning, Professor McGonagall," She watched as the cat leapt off the table and shifted into the McGonagall.

"Well done, Mister Malfoy and to you as well Miss Granger," McGonagall complimented the students. "20 points to both of you," She watched the two students smile at her before Hermione moved to sit in the front row, pulling Y/n by his arm so that he was sitting next to her. "Oh and Mister Malfoy, I must say, it's not all the time that you hear the Sorting Hat ask a student to lower their Occlumency shields, impressive,"

"Thank you, professor," Y/n nervously chuckled as he looked at his books.

"What's that?" Hermione whispered as they watch McGonagall shift back into her cat form, sitting on her desk just before more students slowly walked into the class.

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