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"Big!" Sonic exclaimed as he engulfed the large cat in a hug. The poor cat almost fell backwards upon impact.

Shadow had never really spoken to the purple cat, sharing a glance every now and then, and so didn't feel as much relief as Sonic did. All Shadow really knew about the mysterious fisherman was that he owned a frog, creatively named Froggie, and was a friend of Amy's.

Despite Shadow's very limited knowledge on the cat, he was more than aware of the fact Sonic and Big knew eachother. Despite this, the cat was looking at Sonic in confusion, his hands glued to his side as he hummed in confusion.

"Sonic-" Shadow began. Sonic swiftly cut him off in his rambles to Big. "I'm so glad to see a familiar face - other than Shadow-" he chuckled, giving Shadow a quick glance. The lapiz hedgehog clearly wasn't focusing on his lover - not in the slightest. "I thought I was losing my rings - y'know what I mean." He chuckled and leant up against the cat. Shadow just rolled his eyes, remembering how dense the other could be.

Sonic then looked down, repulsed. "Are you wearing pants?!" He exclaimed. Big never wore pants. No matter the occasion, - where Shadow had seen Big atleast - he always wore his belt and only his belt. Come to think of it, he didn't even have his belt. That was a shock to Shadow, however that wasn't the matter at hand.

"Sonic, he's clearly uncomfortable!" Shadow shouted in annoyance. It seemed to finally reach Sonic this time as the lapiz hedgehog pulled himself away from the cat and turned to Shadow. He raised a brow and tilted his head. "Shadow-" he began before he was sharply cut off.

The three were engulfed in an almost blinding beam of light as an alarm droned. Big threw his hands up immediately, practically quivering as he jumped away from the duo. Shadow and Sonic held a hand over their eyes. Sonic did his best to look up at the lightsource, squinting his eyes as the rays blinded him. Shadow, being smarter, used the shadow of his hand to his advantage. "Unidentified citizen." A robotic voice droaned "Alert! Alert!"

All citizens around Sonic began to run as a weird robot drew near; it was drone like, with a large claw on the bottom. Unfortunatley for Shadow, it was also bright yellow and in the light - meaning it was practically blinding and caused severe pain when looked at. Sonic clearly wasn't too focused on that like Shadow however, "Big! Don't go!" He shouted to the fleeing cat, finally acknowledging the robot when he accepted the fact Big had left him. Shadow could only scoff at the other, almost rethinking every desicion made since their first trip in a different dimension.

Sonic, still with a hand above his eyes, glared at the approaching robot. "You're in violation of city ordinands 27B stroke 6" it drawled.

The two took note of the yellow robots surrounding them, mostly Shadow seen as Sonic was busy being cocky, as usual. Sonic strode forward and passed Shadow, wiping his nose with his finger as he prepared for his remark "Sorry, I don't speak robot" He smirked, as though he had done something worthwhile. Shadow could only roll his eyes at the other's sad attempt

"by the authority of the chaos council." A robot began, weapons being released from chambers on its back "stand down or be disassembled." It threatened. Sonic thought for a moment. "Chaos council?" Shadow thought aloud, keeping his ruby eyes on the bot "sounds important." Sonic finished before smirking and holding out his hand as if expecting something "Give me directions, and I'll take it from there." He quipped. Shadow groaned, taking his eyes off of the robots to face Sonic.

"Sonic! I swear to fu-" Shadow was abruptly cut off by a stray gunshot. In the small window of vulnerability Shadow had left, the robots began to shoot at them. The two hedgehogs abruptly sped away.

Sonic found himself stumbling and using walls for support as he frantically moved his legs to gain control. Shadow, after some struggle, resorted to using his airshoes and dragging an almost limp Sonic with him. "What's wrong with my shoes?!" Sonic shouted as he continued to stumble, eventually meeting another wall. Shadow grunted upon impact - his shoes now also playing up. "It must be the floors!" Shadow shouted as he quickly jumped back up onto his feet.

Sonic followed soon after, holding his head. "I'm not used to all these walls!" He groaned, using the situation as an excuse to leave his head on a very tense Shadow.  The ebony hedgehog, with extreme annoyance, shrugged Sonic's head off of his Shoulder with a grunt. "You lived in a place like this!" He exclaimed.

A gunshot caught the duo's attention. Shadow jumped, donning a fighting stance whereas Sonic merely turned to face them, some form of alarm evident. Out of the group, only two were shooting at them - luckily enough. The couple immediatley took off running - deciding fighting was the best approach to the situation. With ease, Shadow picked up Sonic and threw him at a bot. Sonic spindashed a bot while Shadpw took care of the rest, laughing slightly at the other's annoyed face.

Sonic then stopped, expecting flickies to happily escape the confines of the robot. "No flickies? That's new." The lapiz hedgehog thought outloud, jumping as a shot just missed him. He immediatley took off running, grabbing Shadow as he passed him and forcing him into a run. "It's like they clone behind buildings!" Sonic cried, looking back to see how far away the bots were. They weren't too far away from the glimpses Shadow caught. "Some sort of shady business goes on behind buildings!" Shadow retorted.

The chase continued, the two barely missing vehicles as they maneuvered given the seemingly endless torment of gripless shoes. "No! No! No!" Sonic shouted as he began to slide towards a truck, resorting to sliding underneath when his shoes wouldn't comply to stopping. Shadow leapt over top, ensuring he pushed Sonic forward as he landed. The couple then continued to evade shots from the ever growing amount of robots behind them, winding through traffic. Shadow could only hope they would eventually loss them.

"This is not working!" Shadow exclaimed "We need to get off the ground!" Sonic replied. Shadow began to look around the further they ran to try find a reasonable route to escape, his efforts fruitless as Sonic beat him too it. "Follow my lead!" Sonic shouted, taking a sharp turn.

The hedgehog then jumped on a nearby sign, using it to propell him towards a train going over a tall building and holding onto the bottom, dodging bullets from the robots. Shadow followed him with ease, eventually speeding passed him. Sonic began cried out as the bullets became more frequent, the two looking around hastily for an escape.

That's when Shadow found it; a building being built. The two dangled from the train, helplessly dodging the bullets before Shadow eventually spoke up. "Follow my lead this time, hedgehog!" He shouted. Letting out an exerted grunt, Shadow used his legs to swing for a little before letting go of the train and making his way towards the building, landing on top and crying out as he slid. Sonic replicated his actions and grabbed the ebony hedgehog's arm to ensure he didn't fall. "Us helping eachother isn't a competition." Sonic winked, Shadow rolled his eyes and indicated to the approaching robots.

Sonic and Shadow sped to the very edge of the building with no way to go but down. Sonic tried to dodge a few bullets, accepting he would have to jump as the robots neared, it was clearly Shadow's original plan however seen as he chose not to dodge at all.

The ebony hedgehog took a dive, Sonic in tow, backflipping off of the roof as a layer was set on top, crushing the robots as the couple fell from multiple stories, Sonic screaming as he did so. Shadow growled in frustration, looking down at the distance. "We've fell from higher!" He shouted to the other.

Shadow would bet on the fact Sonic had probably fell from higher places - he could easily recall the amount of times he witnessed the blue blur jump off of the wing of Tails' plane. He was clearly just being dramatic. "But its solid concrete!" Sonic reasoned, the fear evident in his eyes. Shadow chose not to reply, accepting Sonic was correct and they needed a plan.

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