Good morning

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May 2022

Keira's POV:

As I roll over in bed I bump into another sleeping figure beside me, Lucy, who is sound asleep.  I glance at the clock on my bedside table and read it sighing to myself as I read the time 5:03am.   I gently nudge Lucy in an attempt to wake her up, of course she completely ignores me so I try again and this time she makes some sort of noise.  "Shhh, you'll wake everyone else up", I whisper to her. 

Lucy whispers back "well they have to wake up soon anyways, it might as well be now".   "I disagree with that statement, unless you want a whiny toddler and a grumpy teenager", I reply back, knowing full well she won't want any of that. "Fine, I'll be quiet", Lucy replies. I turn over and roll out of bed as quietly as I can. Getting out of bed, I look through our wardrobe searching for my tracksuit and then head into the bathroom.

As I come back out of the bathroom, I notice Lucy isn't in bed anymore and the bed's been made neatly. 'She must be downstairs already', I think to myself before heading downstairs myself.

As I walk into the kitchen I notice Lucy sitting at the kitchen countertop with a coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. I slip my hands round her waist and kiss her cheek. "Good morning, there's some coffee there for you", Lucy tells me. I glance up to where she's pointing and notice my favourite coffee mug filled almost to the top with coffee. "Thank you Luce", as I kiss her cheek again and head over to my hot cup of coffee.

We sit together at the kitchen countertop discussing our plan for the day before I suddenly notice the time 5:45am the microwave says. "Rock, paper, scissors, for who has to get Charlie up and ready", I suggest to Lucy. "Ok, but you're gonna lose" she reply's grinning. "Oh it's on Bronze", I chuckle back, "Haha, yes I win, you lose" I reply happily.  "That was a once off" Lucy replies sighing. 

We both get up and Lucy starts slowly heading back upstairs, as I sip on my coffee, while scrolling through social media.  As I'm grabbing a box of Coco pops from the cupboard for Charlie, I can hear the complaining from upstairs, mainly coming from Charlie.  As soon as I finish my coffee I head upstairs and head into Ellie's room quietly closing the door behind me.  I quietly grab her outfit for the day out and lay it on top of the dresser and then I go over to her bed and gently start to wake her up.  "Hi baby girl, are you ready to wake up".  The only reply I get is a quiet grumble and then two tiny hands reaching up to me.  I gently lift her up and she lays her head on my shoulder, cuddling into me again and quickly falling back asleep again.  I walk out of her room and into mine and Lucy's room where I find Lucy lying on the bed, looking completely defeated.  "Is she up yet ?", I ask, "Nope, and I give up" , Lucy replies back before rolling over and looking up at me. "Aww, I can see that neither is this little miss", she says while standing up and brushing her fingers through Ellie's messy toddler hair as she sleeps soundly on my shoulder.  "I'm gonna get her dressed, go have another go at getting Charlie up, tell her she can sleep in the car if she wants" I tell Lucy as I leave the room. All I hear as I leave the room is a big sigh.

As soon as Ellie's dressed, I lift her back up and she immediately lays her head in the crook of my neck, with her little fingers grabbing onto my t-shirt.  I walk downstairs and I quickly notice Lucy standing in front of the coffee machine and Charlie sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of Coco Pops and a glass of orange juice in front of her.  "Good morning Charlie" I tell her as I walk past, not without ruffling her hair on my way.  "Hi" Charlie grumbles back.  Lucy turns around, smiles at me and hands me a bowl of chopped fruit and a bottle of milk for the snoozing toddler in my arms.  I sit down at the table opposite Charlie, with Ellie in my arms still, but slowly waking up and looking around.  "Hi baby girl, are you ready to eat some yummy fruit that mummy has cut up just for you ?", I gently ask her.  She slowly nods her head and I show her the bowl and she puts her fingers in it and grabs a strawberry and pops it in her mouth.  Lucy comes over to sit at the table with us and places a bowl of granola and berries in front of me.  I smile at her. 

We chitchat at the table as we eat breakfast and then we all get up and Lucy says she'll clean everything up, so me, Ellie and Charlie head back upstairs to finish any last minute packing.  I double check I've got everything for Ellie and then head into Charlie's room to check she's got everything.  "Have you got your toothbrush ?",  "yep", "What about your tablet ?", "yep", "charger ?", "whoops nearly forgot about that". I ask her all these questions because she is just like Lucy, who'll forget the most simplest of things.  As soon as I'm satisfied that I've thought of everything, she closes her suitcase and we leave it at the top of the stairs next to the others.  "Let's go", Lucy calls upstairs.  We go downstairs and grab the last few things and as Charlie heads out to the car, Lucy grabs the suitcases from upstairs and puts them in the boot and I grab the already made bottle for Ellie of the kitchen counter and the bag of snacks for everyone and head out the door.  I put Ellie in her seat next to Charlie and sit into the passenger seat, as Lucy gets into the drivers seat.  "Everyone in ?", Lucy asks. "Yep we're all ready to go", I reply.  Lucy pulls out of the driveway and we're off.


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