He made a mark in this university just like I want to. He is Italian and I know that from his name.

It originates from Hebrew, meaning the gift of God. It also sounds sexy if you think about it. I shook my head and I continued taking my strides

I headed down the hallway, and I saw a familiar brown haired girl. She was wearing black sweats and a hoodie. She seemed to be coming from somewhere because I saw her talking to someone before that person went away.

"Willow? Is that you?" I called out to her.
I just wanted to make sure I was seeing the right person, I mean I do where glasses after all, glasses that need to be updated.

"Oh hey, Kyla." She chirped as she approached me. Her whole aura changed from a clumsy way to enthusiastic girl to a girl with confidence, who works with her head held up high and is inexplicably beautiful.

"Oh, I wanted to give you your coat." I said, snapping out of my daze.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that." Her tone wavering as she was looking at something on her phone. Seems important.

"I insist." I handed her the coat, and she shrugged and took it. I do not like owning other people's belongings. I would like to work for what I would like to have.

"You wanna hang out?" She asked, her brown eyes twinkling.

"Hang out." I reciprocated the word but slower.

"Yes." She chuckled on how I said.

"I have to go look for a part-time job." I pointed out. This time it was not just an excuse like back in high school when I avoided people not to hang out with them because they did not interest me.

"Oh. I'll accompany you." She said.

"Oh, okay." I said kinda of happy that I'll do this with someone. Someone I actually like.


"What?" I burst into laughter. Yes. Laugh.

"Yeah. It's not that funny." She playfully rolled her sparkly brown eyes.

"You literally kissed your boyfriend's twin, thinking it was your boyfriend." I said, sipping on the caramel latte she bought me. Even though I insisted that she shouldn't but I guess it is rude to refuse an offer.

"They look the same." She argued, drinking her own coffee.

"I also have an identical twin." I stated, a little less proud that I have one because she is more of a stranger than she is a sister to me.

"I hope she's less meaner than you." She fake pouted.

"I highly doubt it." I shrugged.

We both stood up from the table, and I scratched my hand. I hissed in pain. Then I kissed it better.

I used to do that ever since I was like 10, and it also made me feel better.

"You kissed yourself better?" She chuckled incredulously.

"Yeah." Wondering what's funny about this. It's just a girl kissing her bubu better.

"Didn't you have your mom kiss it better?" She asked, whilst putting her trapper hat on.

"She used to argue why I would do it myself, but it felt more nicer if I did it myself." I stated as we walked out of Starbucks.

"Yeah, I'd also argue. Why would you do that?" She asked curiously.

"Ask a dermatologist." I retorted sarcastically but it seems to backfire when I become sarcastic with her. She seems to take it literally when she knows very well that I am being sarcastic.

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