Escape (2x02) part 2

Start from the beginning


On an other side of Brooklyn, Clary, who wasn't allowed to help in searching for Jace and Leila, started to realize that she wasn't wanted in the Institute. That everyone blamed her for what was happening.

She missed the life she had before her 18th birthday. Although she had been lied to her whole life by her own mother who made her believe that she could live a normal life, if she had been aware of her purpose sooner then maybe none of them would've been facing this kind of situation.

Not only did her mother try to kill Jace, but she was also Valentine's daughter. Not a lot of people in the Institute were trusting her.

She wanted to get back to her mundane life. The life she was missing the most at the moment.

So she decided to go to Brooklyn's Academy of Art, to practice what she was best at. Drawing.

But suddenly, someone she thought was dead was standing in the middle of the crown of students who were walking in the Academy. The students avoided that person because of how she looked. She was pale, and black veins were visible on her face and on her body. As all students were walking away from her, Clary on the contrary walked towards that person.

"Dot ?" Clary called her. "I thought you were dead. What happened to you ?"

Dot didn't answer. Out of nowhere, she opened a Portal, grabbed Clary's hand and they both Portaled to the place Dot wanted to lead her to. Valentine's ship.


Clary was missing.

That was what Jocelyn found out when she walked in her daughter's room and only found her stele on the bed. When Jocelyn grabbed Clary's stele, she realized that Clary didn't activate her anti-tracking rune which gave her a chance to find her. However, she knew that Clary wouldn't listen to her, so she turned to the person who could have a better chance at talking to her: Luke.

Both of them went to Brooklyn's Academy of Art when Clary was still there, but before they could do anything about it, they saw Dot abducting Clary and disappearring through a Portal.

"Those veins on Dot's face, I'd know them anywhere. They're from Valentine's injections." Jocelyn stated as both her and Luke went back to the Jade Wolf.

"He must have used her to grab Clary. That means Jace and Leila are nearby." Luke said as he walked towards a cat statue that was in the restaurant. "We find Jace, we find our daughters."

Suddenly, he threw the statue on the ground in order to break it. Among the broken pieces, there was an Adamas which came from the Adamas Citadel. Luke got it from his mother.

"The Adamas can track Jace, but not by itself." Luke said.

As Jocelyn looked closely at it, she found the Parabatai rune on it. If they wanted to find Jace, they had to go through Alec.

Jocelyn went back to the Institute, at the same time as Izzy and Alec who came back from their failed mission. While the Lightwoods didn't bother her, Jocelyn attracted their attention when she told them that she had a way to track Jace.

"How did you get that ?" Izzy asked Jocelyn when she saw the Adamas Jocelyn was showing them. "Only the Iron Sisters have access to adamas."

"Luke's mother is an Iron Sister. She told him about an ancient way to communicate through the parabatai bond. Through your linked spirits."

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