CHAPTER 3: THE CHOPPED: The amazing Sakura and the Flashy Jester <Part 1> (OP)

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Some of these tricks included stretching both his fists high into the sky, seemingly going beyond the normal human limit.

Another was allowing an entire platoon of people, animals and cannons cross on his shoulders from one trapeze to another 50 feet off the ground.

While the rest of the crowd cheered for the Genius Jester, Sakura suddenly felt her skin begin to tingle. Those senses, the feeling that a clow card was nearby.

Closing her eyes, Sakura focused on where exactly the card may be. That was when she looked back up at the Buggy performance and realised that the aura around the blue haired Jester was the strongest.

He was a Wild Card. And now he was performing for millions of people.

Looking over to Syaoran for confirmation, the boy stared back at Sakura with determined eyes, confirming her worst suspicions.

As soon as the last person crossed, Buggy waved at the crowd before disappearing back into the trapdoor.

Announcer: Thank you all for visiting our circus. Today will be our last performance! However, fret not, for we will have multiple shows next year!!

As people started leaving the tent, Sakura grabbed Tomoyo before meeting up with Syaoran.

Sakura: You sensed it too, right?

Syaoran: Yeah. . A clow card. That guy, Buggy.

Tomoyo: Huh, no way. Buggy may actually be another Wild Card??

Sakura: Yeah. We need to meet back here tonight in order to catch him.

The three kids nodded at the plan before heading their separate ways in order to prepare the night raid.

Later that night:

Sakura was once again being filmed by her best friend, Tomoyo, who was in awe at the new outfit she had designed for her.

Sakura's outfit resembled that of a blue and black Jester, complete with the little hat and everything. The only little thing Tomoyo added was a little Jolly Roger symbol at the back of the outfit.

Keros himself wore a small pirate hat with pride.

Sakura: Is the Jester outfit really that necessary??

Tomoyo: Of course! Not only does it look cute, but it also acts as a disguise, just in case anyone else catches us, you can try to pretend to be apart of Buggy's act.

That was when Syaoran arrived, dressed in his green attire.

Keros: Where's the other brat??

Syaoran: I managed to convince Mei Ling not to follow me tonight after she realised that the card we're after is a clown.

Keros: She's scared of them??

Syaoran: She got tricked into watching IT at a young age. . She hasn't gotten over that fear yet.

It was at that point that the three kids decided to make their way into the Circus area. Sakura used the 'Jump' card to leap over a wall while Syaoran helped Tomoyo over.

As the three kids walked around, they felt the atmosphere around them was a lot creepier than before. The once vibrant atmosphere was replaced by an eerie silence as what appeared to be mist poured throughout the area.

Suddenly, the kids came across the main tent area that was being guarded by both lions and some fat white lion tamer that was probably doing a worse job than the lions were.

That wasn't what caught Sakura's attention though, it was the fact that a larger version of the Soldier Heartless she managed to contain also stood guard at the front entrance.

What also made the kids worried were the fact that the lions and their tamer shared a similar aura, meaning they were a Wild Card too.

Sakura: There's too many guards at the entrance. . To add to it, there's one of those Heartless things guarding the area, too.

Syaoran: Fighting would probably alert the others of our whereabouts. Even if we do manage to take them out, Buggy may find a way to escape.

Sakura: Seriously though, that lion is doing a way better job at staying awake than-

Sudden, an idea popped into Sakura's head as she picked out a certain card from her arsenal.

Sakura: From the farthest of ways, I call on you to place those in a quiet slumber. *Whispers as she Slams her wand into the sleep card* Sleep!

Suddenly, a small bluish pixie emerged from the card as she made her way towards the guards.

Before the guards could even notice her, Sleep used her magical dust to place everyone to sleep, using a bit of extra dust to stun the Large Body.

Seeing the coast was clear, Sakura and Tomoyo ran out to make the capture.

Syaoran: Just in case. . *Readies his sword*Obey the command! Wind flower, come forth!

Suddenly, a gust of wind surrounded Sakura, Tomoyo and the unconscious group, making it as silent as possible.

Sakura: Nice one, Syao-Kun. Let's do this. *Raises her wand as she prepares to capture them* Return to the guise you were meant to be in! *Slams down her wand* Clow Card!!!

Sakura slammed down her wand against both barriers, causing both the Heartless and the unconscious lions and their tamer to flow into two different cards.

In one card, it showed both the fat guy with weird white animal ears and the lion he was with, both staring straight. In the background was a Jolly Roger with the Buggy Pirate brand on it. This card was titled 'The tamer: Model Pirates.'

On the back of the card, was another symbol of the lock and chain. Sakura's name was written on the top, while on the bottom, the names 'Mohji' and 'Richie' were written.

On the other card, it showed the large Heartless mid-air about to perform a ground pound. The card was titled 'The Large: Model Heartless'

On the back of the card was another lock and chain symbol. This time, only Sakura's name was written on the back.

Collecting both cards, Sakura, Syaoran and Tomoyo all entered the circus tent sneakily.

As they cautiously entered the tent, they could suddenly hear laughter. Soon enough, the big red cloth man that was Buggy came into view, the giant clown being surrounded by cannons and weirdly painted cannonballs.

The kids all watched as the giant clown laughed and plotted away.

Buggy: YAHAHAHAHAHAH!! This plan of mine is genius!!! While I have no idea how I even got here, I definitely know that this place is a way easier place to make money. *Raises both his arms* With just enough time, I'll be able to build my own ship and set sail once again to the grand line! Or at least, to wherever those Flashy idiots flew to. . . Was this what that Straw hat idiot felt? *Shakes his head as he punches a pillar angrily* BAH, WHY THE H*LL AM I THINKING ABOUT THAT IDIOT?!? IF IT WEREN'T FOR HIM DESTROYING THE THING THAT WAS INSIDE THE ETERNAL POSE, NONE OF US WOULD BE LOST!!!!

The kids watched as Buggy angrily ranted to himself. Sakura accidentally stepped on a conveniently placed squeaky toy, the toy letting out a very loud squeaking sound. Both Syaoran and Tomoyo tensed up as they stared at Sakura, who looked down and back at them.

Sakura: *Nervous laughing* Gomen. . .

Unfortunately, the very loud squeaking alerted the Genius Jester of someone's presence, the giant clown suddenly whipping around and looking around the tent shock and annoyance.



(Oh, a cliffhanger. Stay tuned for the next chapter.)

Cardcaptor Sakura: The wild cardsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz