The Arrival

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Steve Rogers and his teammates woke up and found Pepper Potts, James Rhodey, Natasha Romanoff, Happy Hogan, Pietro Maximoff, and some teenager glaring at them. They looked around to find Tony Stark still sitting on the floor looking around with a million questions running through his head. Steve was about to open his mouth, "Don't you fucking dare," Bruce banner's voice spoke with a bit of an edge, he turned to find the scientist staring back at him with a green look in his eyes.

"Loki?!" Clint screeched.

"Yes?" a familiar voice drawled.

"Loki was mind controlled and I admit I was an idiot for not noticing his eye color was blue instead of green or red," Thor's voice spoke.

"At least you're self aware," Loki said to his brother, getting a laugh out of a dark haired green-eyed female.

"Who's that?" Steve asked.

"Someone who wants to kill you," the female said sweetly, before making her way over to Tony, who finally looked up at her.

"Hel?" he asked.

"Yes dear, it's me. Would you kindly like to tell me who put you in that state of health?" Hel asked kindly.

"So your daughter. Polite when stabby," Thor mumbled to Loki.

Loki just smirks in return.

"Your daughter?!" team Captain America screech.

"I didn't know all of them could screech like that," Natasha said with wide eyes, "Do it again."

"May?" the teenager with them called.

"The hot aunt. Happy the hot aunt is here, you should help her up," Tony says, looking back at his head of security.

"Yeah Happy," the teenager growls out. Happy looks cautiously at the irritated teenager and then scurries over to help up May Parker.

"What're we doing here?" May asked, a bit stunned still.

"Well Hot Aunt," Hel starts, "We don't know."

"Is she even of age?!" Steve screeches.

"Such a manly man and yet he screeched like that?" Hel questioned to herself. "For the record, I'm nineteen in mortal age," she says to him, sticking her tongue out and plopping down next to Tony, knowing they don't know Tony's secret.

Suddenly a group six men and a woman are there, looking disoriented and complaining about teleportation devices. None of the group noticed Tony looking wide-eyed at them except for those who knew his secret. Then a group, mostly women, dropped down all screeching "DOCTOR!"

"WHAT?!" the group of seven yelled back.

"Oh, Loki, it's the Doctor," Thor said excitedly.

"Yes, oaf, I see them," Loki said.

"And multiple incarnations of the Doctor too," Thor added cheerfully.

"Huh?" Clint Barton asked.

"They're all the same person. Those seven, coincidentally standing in order from youngest to oldest," Loki answered, but Clint scoffs.

"If we're the same person, how do we know our youngest would be saying this at the same time as us because he assumed we'd say this," the group on seven said in unison. Some of their companions were behind them explaining the process of regeneration and how those seven are the same person.

"YOU'VE DIED?!" Donna screeched.

"Yes Donna," all the Doctor's minus, the one in leather with big ears say.

"Oh, yes, continue like we're here," a voice snarked and everyone turned to see three males standing there. Well, the oldest looking one currently had Loki in his arms, holding him as Loki clung to him.

"Loki!" Thor called.

"What?" the God of Mischief said back innocently.

Hel was laughing from Tony's side, "So when's Carter Slade going to be my step-father?"

"Soon," Loki answered.

"Oh?" the older of the three men, Carter, spoke up.

"Yes. Soon."

"Johnny!" an older blonde from the group behind the companions spoke and Jackie Tyler was rushing over to the tall male that had spoken originally. Her daughter, Rose, had beaten her speed as she flung herself in Robbie's arms.

"Well," a voice spoke, "Isn't this lovely," a girl in the front said.

"Who are you?" Tony asked, looking at the two teenagers and small girl at the front.

"My Dads/Mama better catch Mom first," a female teenager said.

"CATCH ME!" a female demanded and all the Doctor's scurried over to a group and caught a falling woman. "Thanks pretty boys and gorgeous girl," and all the Doctors blush in response.

"Oh, that's why it was quiet, Adalyn wasn't here," Robbie spoke.

"EXCUSE ME!" Adalyn screeched and Robbie smiled in return before hiding behind his laughing flower.

"You are here to watch the past, present, and future of the avengers and the adventures of the Doctors. For the record the Doctor is an alien called a Time Lord who is a time traveler and can change his/her body when they are close to dying, hence why seven of them respond to 'Doctor'. As you can see, apparently they repeated," a male explained, motioning between older and younger looking versions of the same Doctor, "It's possible, we swear he likes looking like that."

"But who are you guys to us?" Natasha asked.

"I'm Arden Blaze, my parents are the Doctor and Adalyn Blaze," the older girl spoke. She was light brown hair with green eyes. A Doctor with a bowtie looked at her wide eyes because the eyes looked similar to his, he spun around to face the older hims and found them all giving him a slight smile.

"I'm Arthur Blaze, my parents are Jackie Tyler and Johnny Blaze," a male teen spoke. His hair was dark and had curls like Johnny's while his eyes were blue like Jackie's. Rose's jaw dropped at the sight of her newly found brother while Adira smiled at him while Jackie celebrated in her seat as Johnny was shocked.

A little girl bounced in her spoke as she spoke, "I'm Morgan Stark-Helsdottir," she beamed. Loki froze in Carter's hold and slowly looked at a shocked and surprised Tony. "Considering that you're injured, I won't do anything," Loki decided. Morgan skipped over to her seat while five of the Doctor's looked a the child with wide eyes.

"I guess we're getting comfortable," Stephen Strange spoke. Adalyn went to go sit with her mother who sat with Nine. The Doctor's were to be called by the number they associate themselves with. All their companions were there and sat with the Doctors they were with, with those who were with multiple sat with the one they were first with and would move back with each Doctor change.

(I was too lazy to write out everyone's name. Pietro is alive and on Tony's side. Natasha is still on team Iron Man. May Parker is there along with Peter. Everything else is the same. All the companions are there (including Jack and River) except for whichever new ones are with Fourteen and Fifteen. Tony's got a secret, can you guess what it is?)

Emilia Clarke (with light brown hair and green eyes) as Arden Blaze

Timothee Chalamet as Arthur Blaze

Hel has half black and half white hair and looks nineteen

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