Hold Me Pt. 2

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Note: I just wanna say early on that this chapter isn't gonna be centered on Ike and Vox yet again,



That's all that most could feel right now. Forever is only a word and something that will never be a reality in life. It's like when the sky could be shining it's brightest in one moment and the next it'll be dark and rainy. When you sit next to your friends then make new ones, losing contact with lots of other old pals on the way.

When you just go through life, aging a day older everyday, over and over again 'till days become weeks, weeks become months, and months become year. The next thing you know you're no longer that naive 13 year old you once were, or the 18 year old fool stepping into adulthood oblivious to the actual obstacles that life has to offer, or maybe when you were at a age where you no longer gave a single damn about anything.

Nothing is forever. Life is an endless cycle.

Those hands with the highest authority and status of them all, dealt with each life, carefully poking through each and every details of their creation before sending them off to their respective path. You have no choice but to live, to go through it and find a meaning in life, find a meaning in your existence.

Everyones life is different, the choices they make is theirs and they paved to get through.

Alright you get it now, right?

“I'll miss you guys so much, thank you for everything,” she says wrapping her arms around a number of her dear friends, just enough to fit. She engulfs everyone else with her many tails, feeling her shirt soak with tears.

“We'll miss you too,”

“Thank you,”

“Please keep in contact with us,”

“Never ever forget us okay?!”

She feels her own smile get wobbly, tears pricking at her eyes.

She keeps them back, though.

“I love you guys”

Another pair of footsteps resonated in the hall, light and familiar. Nina smiles, already knowing who it was, before turning around. “I heard the song, you did great.” He rubs the back of his neck and gives her grin. “Thanks Nina.”

She detaches herself from the person on her left, opening her free arm in invitation. “C'mere detective, join us.” And he does.

The atmosphere is considerably lighter now, tears now only leaving a staining the skin it once rolled down on. No one cries again, there was no more tears. They continued to chat for a bit. It was so casual, familiar, and... Normal.

It was something she held dear.


Okay so, I originally was supposed to post this like more than a month ago. But I forgot and that's why this is now here. This means that I also forgot how the actual chapter was supposed to go since last time I only wrote a bit and now I had to continue it (+ end it) with a different intent.

I still hope it turned out okay tho lol, turned out shorter than expected

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