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Note: Reminder that this is all fictional.

The moon stands out in the dark sky. Ike sat and admired the flowers around him. Their colors were dimmed and werent very visible due to the night. Even so, it still looks so beautiful. The light, the setting— Ike couldnt count on how many times he had been in awe just from seeing them.

They're delicate and beautiful, yet also fragile. They come in many colors and kinds. His favorite ones are roses. Especially blue ones. Back before he got to this place, this—world, blue roses didnt exist. When he found out that in here blue roses exist, he sparkled.

When he first lands his eyes on them, he stands there entranced. He remembers the soft texture of the petal as he caress it.

A breeze flies past him, reminding him to go back. He's there at a pretty ungodly hour after all..Ahem— 2AM—nothing to worry about. He feels his eyes begin to droop and suddenly has the impulse to just sleep right then and there.

The thing about roses, regardless of the color, is that it symbolises love. When Ike looks at red, he remembers a certain demon. A red rose reminds him of his feelings for said demon. And sometimes, a blue rose makes him think of his possibly unrequited feelings.

Ike suddenly snaps his head in alarm. Footsteps. He warily stands up, one hand reaching for the knife he keeps hidden and strapped to him at all times. Safety reasons. He sees a silhouette slowly approach. Ike takes a step back.

"Ike." The novelist freezes. 'That voice'. "Relax, it's just me." He could recognize that voice anywhere. It was none other than—

"Vox.." Ike relaxes and puts back his knife. "You scared me there." He grumbled and turns his back on the other man. Vox laughs apologetically and goes to stand next to Ike. "Sorry about that. I didnt mean to scare you."

Ike pouts. The demon internally squeals at how cute he looks. In a bold gesture, he tucks Ike's hair behind his ear. His hand lingers there before gently cupping the novelist's cheek and lightly caressing it. Ike goes still from the sudden contact but soon leans into the touch, eyes fluttering close. He puts a hand over Vox's as sleepiness creeps into him. Once again, reminding him that it is 2 IN THE MORNING.

(Please remember to sleep guys)


He in turn hums in respond. Too tired to form a proper reply. Vox's hand felt warm compared to the night. The added caressing lulls him into comfort he never knew existed. Sleep slowly gets to him and he could barely hear what Vox was saying anymore. He could only decipher some words here and there, but he oddly heard the last few ones better.

"—I love you."

He wasnt sure if he heard that correct. But again, he was too tired. Eventually, Ike gave in to sleep. Slumping into the other man's embrace, safe and warm. 'Comfy..' He thought. Once again, he wasnt sure if it was real or just his imagination, but, he swears that he felt something peck his forehead.


In the morning, he finds himself in an unfamiliar bed. He catches a whiff of something delicious in the air and his stomach growls. He looks around and sees that the place isnt all that unfamiliar. He spots a waterfilled vase with a few roses in it sitting beside the table and approaches it. It was red, just like Vox. Ike smiles remembering him.

"Oh Ike! You're awake! Just in time, i finished making breakfast."

Vox walks in, apron on and hair tied in a ponytail. Ike waves at him, leaving the red flowers to approach Vox. "Sorry for the inconvinience last night, Vox." Ike says. He felt guilty falling asleep like that. "No worries, go and eat before the food gets cold."

They both sat facing one another. Small conversations were made through out breakfast. The mood settled in the room was light and comfortable. He decides not to talk about last night, thinking the better of it.

He laughs at a joke Vox made. He doesnt notice the way the demon looks at him with so much love and fondness. He remains unaware, Vox knows about this. His confession last night went unheard, that's fine. He'll try again next time. But right now, he's content.

Hello! I'm back with more things to share with you guys :)

The ending was a bit rushed because i didnt know how to really end it. The second half of this fanfic is just a bit of a mess honestly. Regardless, i hope you guys enjoyed reading. Not beta read as usual.

Thank you for reading! :D

[ If any of you are interested, i'm gonna release a new story/book similar to this. But instead of IkeAkuma only, it includes the whole Nijisanji EN! Feel free to suggest what you want me to write! :) ]

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