002 | Hey There, Officer.

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As word of Hanni's incident with the police spread and reached her father's ears. He promptly summoned her to his office, where she faced an intense and prolonged scolding. Hanni had no other option but to take the full brunt of her father's indignation, which he let out in full force. His disappointment was evident in demeanouranor, as he couldn't conceive how his beloved daughter could become entangled with law enforcement. Given the fact that she just recently received the highest title in the company yesterday, as the only heir for the company, her father was more than tense. And he did not waste time, speaking out his rising concern for his daughter and the company.

Free to carry off her day, she went to the company, getting greeted and employees and colleagues during the walk to her appointed office. She wore a comfortable cropped blazer, paired with a long dark blue cargo skirt and matching white top, giving her a stylish yet professional look. To complete her outfit, she went for Mary Jane's shoes, leaving her hair unstyled and used a ring she bought off online. Although she considered bringing a beanie along for comfort, she ultimately decided against it in the end. When she settled in her office, she realized that she still needed to recruit a new secretary to replace her father's, previous right-hand man. The man was already old and ready for retirement, which is why she didn't want to add any more burden on his shoulders. Hanni relaxed into the comfortable, high-quality office chair, she adjusted the backrest and armrests to her liking and gazed at the ceiling.

What do CEOs do again?

She didn't have time to think, her mind drifted back to yesterday night. Specifically, to someone. The beautiful police officer haunted her dreams. Hanni woke up after falling off her bed because of it. In her dream, she was awoken by a sweet smile from Minji. In reality, she was greeted by the smell of puke and a nasty hang-over.

Now that she has had the chance to reflect on her encounter with Minji last night, she could have found out her full name if she had been more attentive and observant enough in her uniform. That would've saved her more time in learning about Minji.

Even in Hanni's relaxed form did Minji not escape her mind. Her whole morning consisted of nothing but just thoughts of her. And she isn't too sure what to do about it. But for today,

She just wants to see the pretty officer again.

When a notification came through her phone and glanced at the messenger, it was Danielle. She sent a message to Hanni telling her how her migraine hasn't left yet, she eagerly called her best friend, hoping to distract herself. Danielle answered after the second ring.


"Dani, I might commit a crime today."

Beats of silence passed, and Hanni checked if she was still on the call.

"-...come again?"

"Okay," Danielle bit on her bread before continuing

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"Okay," Danielle bit on her bread before continuing. "So you're saying that you'll like, she gulped. "commit a crime just so you could see the "pretty" officer again?"

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