4. His bsf..

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y/n pov

I never jolted awake so fast in my life. I go to my closet and grab a quick outfit which consisted of a crop top and some light ripped denim shorts. I threw my hair in a messy bun and put on some mascara. I head down stairs.

"Where are you going? we need to discuss last night!" my dad asks and I roll my eyes while slipping on my birkenstocks.

"I'm just going to get muffins, can we talk when I get back?" i ask and he sighs.

"Bring me back one?" he asks and I nod as he hands me some cash. I leave out of the house and text Jeremiah. He sends me the address and I head there.

When I arrive he is already sitting at the table waiting on me. I approach him and he looks at me.

"Good morning!" He says his blue eyes looking me up and down.

"Mornin" I say as I sit down across the table from him.

"So I want to know more about you, you're kind of mysterious." he says wiggling his eyebrows.

"My names y/n. I'm 16, and I'm ready to eat because i'm starving." I say and he smiles.

"Blueberry muffins?" he asks and I nod. He goes up to the counter and orders some muffins. I couldn't stop myself from looking at him. He is gorgeous. The way the sun reflects in his eyes and the way his smile can light up a whole room.

"Hey Jere!" The girl from last night walks up to him.

"Hey belly! Want some muffins?" he says and smiles at her. Does everyone get this smile? I zoned out the rest of their conversation as he hugs her. She leaves and he comes back to the table and sits down across from me.

"I'm so rude i'm sorry, that's belly. My best friend since we were babies. Her family comes down every summer and they stay with us" he says.

"Like in the same house?" I ask. His smile fades and turns to a confused look.

"Yeah, my moms best friends with her mom. Belly is really cool I think you'd like her." he says and I nod.

"Nice. Here's some money for the muffins by the way." I say reaching into my back pocket to give him the 20 my dad gave me earlier.

"My treat." he says and I smile.

We soon get our muffins and we start to open up about ourselves and he is the sweetest soul i've ever me. But something about the way he talks about belly isn't just the way I would talk about a friend. There's something deeper. I sense it.

"Sorry to cut this short but I have to go to the pool to start my life guarding job. I can give you a lift back home?" he says.

"That'd be great thank you." i say and we head to his car. I get in his car and I take in everything around me. This summer could be different.

It will get interesting guys don't worry!!!

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