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Wilbur landed near Larry Berry's Donuts where he works.

"Hey middle aged man I neglected the time and effort to learn the name of, how are you?"

"Fuck off my name is on the building."

"Ah doing great I see I would ask about the wife, but she left you didn't she?"

"You live under my roof and you will respect me!"

"Alright you get no customers, your business is dying, my paycheck that 90% of the time I don't get, I go to the Landfill I sell stuff to Bella and it keeps your business alive and I'm not homeless."

"You are a Dirty slacker!"

"I don't care what you think I am!"

"You should be I am your boss I can fire you!"

"Like that matters I pretty much work for myself I stay because you're such a riot to talk to."


"Ok whatever I'm going to escort me and myself to the attic now, goodnight and remember to always get pissed off about insignificant things, goodbye."

Wilbur slept peacefully like a baby.

The next morning Wilbur grabbed his Briefcase, he also grabbed his clothes in a sutecase l, he walked downstairs and found his boss cleaning the counter with his usual scowl,
Despite his green skin he usually was red in the face from anger.

"I'm going to the arcade. enjoy hating existence."

"No you're not. If you take one step out of that door you're fired!"

"You know I took what you just said into accountability and I wanted to say..."

"Say you're sorry for being a slacker?"

"No just toodles, and hey maybe you're wife and kids might talk to you now that you have no employees."

"Enjoy sleeping in the snow You son of a-!"

Wilbur leaves not being able to hear his boss's kind words of encouragement,
He walks to his ship and sets the briefcase by the futon and gets on going to the arcade.
He noticed the snow covering the entire city, he landed at the arcade.

"Man do I love this place!"

The neon sign, the loud music, bright colors flashing, Wilbur walked over to the archaic consoles he saw sitting there a kid playing a Nintendo switch neo, and another playing a PlayStation 64,
Of course Wilbur went to his favorite, Understory 8.

"You like that game too?"

Wilbur continued playing the game and responded To the stranger, the stranger spoke with a English accent.

"Like it? I've beaten it over a hundred times before."

"I see people over here playing this all the time."
"what do you like about the arcade?"

Gone in December Where stories live. Discover now