Chapter two

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It had been a few hours since you started working for Martha, you were mainly working as a baker. You managed to pick up the recipes fast, faster than most people at that time were able to. You were memorizing another recipe when you remembered where you got this skill from, "Huh...who would have thought the hours of exam cramping would help my memory?"

"What was that y/n?" Martha asked as she walked into the kitchen, "I could hear you muttering from the front!"

"Oh! sorry..." your cheeks flushed a light pink color, 'she heard me talking to myself, how embarrassing!' "Anyways I finished the next few orders." You pointed to the plates of sweet and savory pastries.

"Good heavens, you work very quickly!" Martha said with surprise lacing her voice, "say y/n, why don't I give you some clothes? Your current ones are a bit uhm..."

You blushed as she glanced over your outfit, "ok I know I look like a prostitute but I promise I am not one!"

"Oh I'm not worried about that, I just think you would be more comfortable in some of my clothes. Why don't you take a break and change?" Martha suggested, gesturing to the stairs by the kitchen's exit. "The guest room is just down the hallway, first door on your left!"

"Good idea, thank you Martha!" You smiled and headed upstairs, you found the guest room you would be staying in and walked inside. Your eyes gazed around the room, it was a typical Victorian era room. It had a bed, closet, rug, and nightstand. You smiled as you walked in and sat down on the bed, you noticed some clothes folded up next to the pillow. "Oh these must be the clothes she was referring to!"

You tired on the Victorian dress, it was a simple design, it went down to your ankles and was a bit frilly. It had puffed sleeves and a corset that came with it, you noticed the corset and didn't put it on. "Over my dead body..." you muttered as you placed it on the nightstand, you walked over to your modern clothes when you noticed something poking out of your pocket. You pick it up and found...your phone! "My baby!"

You squeezed your phone and kissed it a few times, "oh my sweet baby!" You turned it on and saw that you had 100% battery, but no cell coverage. "Boo! Oh what wasn't my phone at like 50%? Oh well..." you shrugged it off and opened your phone, you scrolled through your apps and opened messages. You started to text you best friend, it failed to send. " data."

You searched your pockets for anything else, you only found your AirPods that were also 100% charged. You smiled and placed your phone and your AirPods on your nightstand, hoping no one takes them. You walked back downstairs and walked into the kitchen, "ok Martha, how do I look?" You asked as you did a little twirl.

"Perfect dearie, now there are some customers, would you mind helping them while I finish this?" Martha gnesturied to an incomplete pastry, it still needed decoration.

"Sure, let me know when you're done and I'll finish the rest of the orders!" You walked out of the kitchen and to the front of the bakery, "hello sir! How may I help you?"

"Ah, hello miss! You don't sound like you are from around here." Abberline said cheerily.

"Ah yes, I'm from c/n. How can I help you?" You smiled, taking out a pencil and a notepad.

"Oh I'll just take a black coffee, and maybe a pastry or two..." he hungrily glanced over the display items.

"Well I would recommend a Cherry danish to go with your coffee, given that black coffee is a bit bitter." You started preparing his coffee as you took jotted down a quick note for a cherry danish, "will that be all sir?"

"Yes ma'am." Abberline smiled cheerily again, "that danish sounds amazing!"

"Oh trust me, it is. Now then can I get a name for that order?" You finished making his coffee and handed it to him.

"Abberline, Fred Abberline." He introduced himself, taking your hand and placing a gentle kiss on it as he took his coffee.

"I appreciate the gesture Abberline, your danish will be out shorty. Your total is 10 pounds." You take your hand back and open the cash drawer.

He chuckles slightly and smiles. He reached into his pocket and hands you the bill, "I think this just became my favorite cafe."

"I am quite charming am i not?" You wink and giggle, putting the money in the drawer and walking into the back to collect the danish. 'OMG I HAVE THE W RIZZ!'

"So charming..." Abberline trails off as he waits for his food.

You return from the kitchen with a cherry Danish and hand it to him, "here you go Abberline, have a nice day!" You smile and wave goodbye, turning back towards the front of the display as you help the next customer.

"Thank you miss!" He smiles and waved goodbye as he walks outside of the cafe, "what a charming girl..." he chuckles to himself as he walks to meet up with Arthur Randall.

"What a strange guy..." you mutter, watching him leave. You noticed the sun setting and realized the bakery was closing soon, you turned towards the customer you were helping and took their order quickly. You finished their order and started to close up shop, you put up the closed sign and walked over to the Martha. "Hey Martha, I'm just going to run out and grab some ingredients. Is that alright?"

"Y/n, it's dark out, you have no money, and the store is probably closed!" Martha sighed, "off to bed with you! Oh and can your grab Thomas and put him to bed as well?"

"Sure! Thank you again Martha, you've been so kind to me even though I'm a foreign stranger..." you smiled at her, heading towards the stairs.

"Of course dearie, you had such a hard time. I mean getting mugged in a foreign country? It's the least I could do." Martha smiled and finished closing up.

You smiled and finished heading upstairs. You knocked on one of the other doors, hoping it was Thomas's, "Thomas? Are you in there?"

Thomas got up from his desk and opened the door, "'Ello miss y/n!"

'I must protect this child at all costs.' "Hello Thomas, what are you doing?" You asked, peering into his room.

"I was try'n to read, but it's hard!" Thomas sighed and pulled you into his room, "can you help me miss y/n? Can you? Can you?" He asked with stars in his eyes.

"Of course!" You smiled as you sat down at his desk, "alright Thomas let's start with some basic words, this is a cat! C-A-T. Cat!" You pointed to each letter, "actually let's start with the alphabet, there's a song for it!"

"Really? I love songs!" Thomas smiles, he looks at you eagerly waiting for you to teach him.

"Ok repeat after me...a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z, now you know your abc's next time won't you sing with me?" You finished your song and smiled at Thomas who was practically bouncing with joy. "You got it?"

"Yes miss! A b c d e f g...uhm...h j i k?"

You giggle at his innocence, "h i j k"

"Right! I meant to say that!" Thomas puffed out his cheeks.

You continue to teach Thomas about letters and what they sound like in words, "and when there is a t and an h together they make a "th" sound, ok?"

"Mhm! Got it! So then the word 'the' starts with t and h?" Thomas asked.

"Yes! Good job Thomas!" You pat his head and look outside, "oh wow time flys when you're having fun, huh? Anyways we should get you to bed, that's enough reading for today!"

"Awwww, ok..." Thomas sighs, "can we read again tomorrow?"

"Of course Thomas, now go to bed." You pick him up and put him in bed, tucking him in. "Good night Thomas"

"Miss y/n! I'm ten! Not five!" Thomas pouts.

"Mhm, and Im 100. Sleep tight." You smiled and blew out the candle, you walked down to the guest room and changed into a night gown. You laid down in bed and got out your phone, you tried to log into genshin impact but an update was needed. "Omg genshin update? Wait does this mean sumeru??"

You sighed and updated genshin, surprised it didn't need data or wifi to update. You yawned and set your phone down on the bedside table, "ok, insomnia you shall not keep me awake. You are a bitch and I shall not let you keep me awake!" You took a deep breath and tried to drift off to sleep, slowest but surely your fell into a deep sleep.

Black butler x modern reader (THIS IS MY FIRST STORY SO IT MIGHT BE BAD!)Where stories live. Discover now