The thought of another long lecture and restricted access to certain things came across your mind, but your desire became true. You were finally having time for yourself, and now with a new friend.

Just the two of you. A young Na'vi and a strong tulkun.

Currently, you were sitting on the said animal's large fin. You talked as the sea creature listened to your rambles. "You like looking at stars?" You questioned softly, as the tulkun just hummed in response.

"Someone I know came from a star." You said, still looking at the large sky, each luminary star fitting perfectly in the night sky.

"He acts like a father to me. . . But, I don't really see him as one to me." You commented as you turned your head away from the night sky. Now your bright-colored hues examined the small waves of the water. Satisfyingly swaying every moment.

You hummed, as you slowly and steadily got up. You stepped onto the tulkun's wide back. Wanting to lay down. Once you did so, you exhaled softly, watching the night sky. Relishing in the mesmerizing sounds the ocean waves made, whilst looking at the celestial sky.

It felt special.

Your mind grew into a small haze. You decided to rest your eyes for the time being. The moment felt quite nice.

'(Y/N), my sweet child. Wake up—'

You immediately opened your eyes. Slowly sitting up, your expression turned to bewilderment. That voice, it wasn't yours nor did it sound like anyone you knew. It alarmed you at how. . . Familiar yet unfamiliar it sounded.

You nibbled lightly on your bottom lip. You laid your body back down slowly. Shivering slightly once the backside of your figure made contact with the cold and moist texture of the large creature's skin.

You released a small breath, slowly closing your eyes. Hiding away your bright colored eyes yet again.

A few minutes passed, and the sounds of the small waves slowly turned into white noise for you. Letting your mind forget everything around you once again.

'Child, it is time to return home. . .'

That voice, it was the same voice you heard earlier. The voice was slightly raspy, though it was obvious it didn't belong to a man. It belonged to a woman.

Your ears perked up, though you were completely unaware of your body at the moment. Your figure felt completely numb.

'My child you cannot fool your mother.'

What. . . Mama? Your breathing hitched for a moment. You waited patiently, though it felt like a long time. Your heart began beating rapidly.

. . .

'I'D CROSS HALF of this earth that our great mother created, just to hold you again. (N/N), my child.'

Your breath started to noticeably hitch.

Slowly, everything that surrounded you began to shift. Instead of the gentle waves of the water, you heard. . . Gentle water swishing, almost like a river.

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