The Slightest Bit Of A Tension

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A few hours had gone buy so fast and my friend left with some guy so I had no ride home but that did not stop my drunk ass from climbing up on the table were I was in full few of all the living souls by the party. I swinged my hips as much as I could for a few minutes it started to get hot so my drunk ass though it was a good idea to pull my dress up but I was stopped by a firmly big hand on my waist with a few rings, rings that I knew.

Oh fuck! Was it him?
His lips made it's way to my ear slowly breathing into it, and slightly pressing himself against me. Whispering "Amore, come with me".

It was him, I could smell his perfume in the air around me.

He took my hand softly and the other hand by my waist lifting me of the tabel. He then pulled me closer to his side.

I could tell he was also drunk because al my life I have never seen him touch any person since we were small children.
We walked into a room nearby, he closed the door and walked to me standing before me so close I can feel him breathing. I look up but my body betrayed me as my hands go around his neck and my lips combine with his lips. Fuck! This feels so fucking good kissing him, why?

His hands go to my ass then my inner thighs as he picks me up smashing my back against the wall, pushing all of him against me

Oh fuck me! He's the dadWhere stories live. Discover now