Chapter 1 Trouble on the first day

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I woke up to the piercing sound of my alarm.

"Ugh," I said as I dragged myself out of bed.

I got up with a grunt, making my way into the bathroom and turning on the shower.


"Ya alright, bro?" I walked into the kitchen expecting to see my big brother - Liam.

I sighed while buttering my toast, I mustn't have heard him leaving.
I tied my tie with a piece of toast in my mouth before grabbing my bag and leaving, locking the door behind me.

I blasted my music as I walked down the street, still eating that piece of toast. I stopped myself when I saw what resembled my brother in the car.

"Liam! What ya doing mate?!" I shouted through the car's closed windies, my norn iron accent was broad.

I knocked on the car window frantically waking Liam up.

"What ya doing in some rando car?" I asked as he rolled down the window.
"Keep it low, the neighbours are watching." He said not wanting to give their new neighbours the wrong idea.
"I don't fecking care! Ya better not be up to your old tricks, what would mum say?" I said, judging him.
"Lee! What did I say? Keep it LOW!" He reminded me.
"Keep it low my arse. What are you doing in somebody else's car?" I asked him again.
"Err, is there an issue here?" A dark-haired man approached us, followed by what was presumably his son.
"No, nothing." Liam answered almost immediately before I could get a word in.
"It would be nothing if you'd just stop sleeping in people's cars and get yourself to work!" I said angrily.
"It's my car, I suggest you follow your sister's advice and get out and on to work before I phone the police." He said making Liam get out.

I waited till Liam was about 10 feet away before pleading with the man.

"Please don't report him, Mister. You don't understand what would -" He cut me off.
"I'm not going to do anything, I suggest that you get off to school now." He said as I nodded before blasting my music once again.

As I walked on I got to my cousins' house and knocked on the door.

"Tamzin! Ya ready?" I said giving her one of my AirPods.
"Sure-" She answered before I cut her off.
"Come onnnn." I dragged her out the door whilst she tripped.

She rolled her eyes at me, giggling.

"Not my fault you're a slow poke, Tambourine!" I called her by her nickname.


When we got to school, we found out we were in different form classes.
I was in 9C and Tamzin in 9W.

"Right, I'll see ya later, Tambo." I said, throwing a piece of paper at her, making her laugh.

I sat in the classroom, and the same dark-haired man from earlier walked in, but he stopped in his tracks.

"Who's playing that music?" He asked the class.
"You heard Mrs Fisher, no phones to be used in school." He said as his eyes scoured the classroom, meeting mine.

He walked towards my desk, and I knew what was coming.

"So, our new arrival? Banging on my car and bending the rules on your first day? Hand it over." He stretched out his hand.
"Sorry, Sir." I sighed, handing him the phone.
"1st warning, another, and it's off to the Coole - Mrs Fisher's office." He walked back to his desk, giving me a look.

"Leona, a word." Mr Clarkson said as the bell for the first period rang.

I approached his desk hesitantly not knowing what he wanted to speak to me about.
He waited until the class had all made their way out before starting the conversation.

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