Chapter one

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(A/n, inspired by "the queens lion" on Wattpad)

It was a clear day, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. You were a sophomore in high school walking to you hell-I mean-school, you were wearing jean shorts and cropped mesh hoodie with a tank top underneath. Knee high socks and ankle boots completed your outfit. You looked up at the sky and groaned, "it's such a perfect day for being lazy! I hate school..."

You sighed and looked right and left. After confirming that the street was clear you started to cross, "alright...truck-kun won't strike me down!"

To your dismay, truck-kun did indeed strike you down.

"MOVE!" A loud voice called as a blaring truck horn blasted her ears, you whipped your head around and saw the bright headlights of a moving truck before your world blacked out.


"Ugh..." you groaned as you sat up, rubbing your head. You glanced around and found herself in a dark alleyway. You stood up, wincing at the pain in your head, and walked out. "What the hell...?"

Y/n was greeted with the bustling city of 1850's London. You owlishly blinked a few times, glancing around. You placed your hands on your hip and pursed your lips, "welp...I'm dead!"

A small boy walked up to you and tugged on your sleeve, " 'ello miss!"

You glanced down and say a small boy, he was dressed in Victorian era clothes, 'what a cute cosplayer!' You smiled and crouched down to meet the boys eyes, "yes?"

"Is you one of ''em work'in ladies?" The small boy asked with a curious look on his face. You stared for a moment, processing what you just heard, 'working ladies...did he mean a prostitute!?' You gasped and grabbed the kids shoulder, "ok now listen here you little shit-I mean...boy, listen here little boy"

You sighed and smiled the fakest smile you could muster, "do you go up to every lady and say that? That's not very nice."

"Ah! Sorry miss, so is you not one of 'em?"

"No! Do I look like one!?" You checked yourself out, "wow I didn't know I had that much cake...anyways listen little boy you can't just ask stuff like that, it's very rude!"

The little boy sighed, "sorry miss! Say, would you like to work for my ma?" He stared up at y/n with hope in his eyes.

"If your mom is a prostitute, no I don't, I have pride believe it or not." You deadpanned, "so what does your mom do?"

The little boy giggled, "my ma makes sweets!"

Your eyes lit up at the mention of food, you were a very food motivated person. "So she runs a bakery?"

The boy eagerly nodded, "mhm! Would you like to help her miss? My mum needs the help...and you seem perfect! I mean you're pretty and young!"

You clutched your heart as an imaginary arrow pierced it, "oh you sweet child I would burn the world for you."

"Ah miss, please don't do that! I wouldn't want you to end up in jail!" The little boy smiled brightly, "my name is Thomas! What's your name miss?"

"Y/n, Y/n L/n!" You smiled as you patted the boy on the head, "is your mom ok with you hiring random strangers though?"

Thomas smiled and took her hand, "mhm! She really needs the help, you'll help her, won't 'cha?" Thomas looked at y/n with pleading eyes.

You sighed, "yes Thomas, I'll help your mom."

"Yay! Ok miss y/n, follow me!" Thomas smiled and led you down the streets, bringing you to a bakery called 'Mrs. Williams Baked Goods'. "Here we are miss y/n!"

You stared at the bakery, ignoring all the strange glances you were getting from people passing by. "Ok Thomas, let's go in."

The two stepped inside and a middle aged woman ran up to Thomas, "Thomas! Where have you been? I was worried sick!"

"Sorry ma! I found you a helper!" Thomas pointed to y/n and you waved.

"Hello, are you perhaps mrs. Williams?" You asked, referring to the sign outside. "Sorry for the sudden intrusion but I was wondering if perhaps I could work here?"

The woman paused for a moment and thought it over, "sure dearie, I need the help. You don't sound like you're from here, do you have a place to stay?"

You sucked in your breath, "uhm funny thing about that, I'm from c/n, I was traveling here and got mugged. I would hate to trouble you for a place to stay, but if you would be willing I would work for a place to stay!" You looked at her pleadingly, luckily you were experienced with making stuff up on the fly, perks of having strict parents. 'Thank you mom, for being such a horrible parent!'

The woman smiled, "oh you poor thing! Say dearie, how old are you? You don't look any older than 18! And please, call me Martha!"

"Thank you Martha, actually I'm 16." You smiled enthusiastically at the woman, "so when do I start?"

Black butler x modern reader (THIS IS MY FIRST STORY SO IT MIGHT BE BAD!)Where stories live. Discover now