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Hi there! I just came to tell all of you wonderful readers that if you're re-reading the story and see some major point in the story that wasn't there before, that's because I'm editing the story. I wanted to improve on it now that I'm a better writer and I wanted to change things that might have seemed...cringeworthy. I hope that's okay!

As for the future of this book, I will NOT be deleting it, of course. This is my first story EVER, and I want to keep it here for all to see. But, now that I'm rewatching Luca, I'm unsure of whether I want to finish this book or not. I may finish it at some point, but don't be disappointed if I don't. I just wanted to let y'all know. Have a lovely rest of your day/night, and thanks for reading!

Turning Tides~ A Luca Fanfiction (Discontinued for now, But Constantly Edited)Where stories live. Discover now