The Monster's Escape

Start from the beginning

*Stella gasps*

"It's Brandon!,"said Stella.

*Sky, Brandon and Scott run towards them*

"I don't want him to see me like this,"said Stella.

*She hides behind a tree as the guys reach them*

"Is everything alright?,"asked Bloom. "Yeah, but we were really worried. I'm sure we found you,"said Sky. "Are you girls okay?,"asked Scott. "Don't worry we're okay Scott,"said Asia.

*Brandon gestures to te smoking tower behind them*

"The party got totally crazy! What happened?,"asked Brandon. "One minute fun, the next, chaos!,"said Tecna. "And then during the commotion King Radius ordered his guards to arrest us!,"said Bloom. "No way! He - he's Stella's father!,"said Brandon.

*Bloom and Asia glances at Stella who goes further behind the tree*

"Well, uh, Stella couldn't do anything because the King and the guards were under some kind of spell,"said Asia. "We don't know exactly how it all happened, suddenly the guards started chasing us so we ran! It was either that or get arrested,"said Flora. "They cornered us in the Aviary Tower and from there we were able to fly down. Us and all the birds,"said Musa.

*The girls laugh. Suddenly some guards come running from the palace*

"They're over there, in the garden! Arrest them, hurry up!,"said Guard 1.

*The guards run towards them. Scott and Asia growls at them and their eyes turn red*

"Uh, this isn't looking good,"said Sky. "You think?,"asked Scott. "And has anyone seen Stella?,"asked Brandon. "The guards!,"yelled Musa.

*The guards begin firing, one of the shots hitting Sky in the back. He falls to the ground yelling in pain. Brandon and Scott goes to help but they get surrounded by guards*

"Get back!,"yelled Brandon. "You guards are making a huge mistake!,"yelled Scott.

*Sky attempts to get up as Bloom runs towards him*

"Sky! I'm coming!,"yelled Bloom.

*Tecna and Asia grabs Bloom's wrists and stops her*

"No Bloom, don't! We've got to get Stella out of here, now! They can handle the guards by themselves,"said Tecna. "Tecna's right Bloom,"said Asia.

*Brandon draws his green sword and begins to fight back. Scott draws his double sword and helps Brandon. A guard charges at them, but Sky stops him, knocking him unconscious*

"Sky! You, Scott and Brandon get to the ship! Here, catch!,"said Bloom.

*She throws him a tracking device*

"We'll send you our coordinates so you can come pick us up!,"said Bloom.

*The same guard comes at Sky again, this time, Sky kicks him to the ground. Stella comes out from behind the tree*

"Are they gone yet?,"asked Stella. "They're keeping the guards busy,"said Asia. "Good, let them distract the guards. Come in girls, I know a secret way out of here. Follow me!,"said Stella.

*They head off the through the trees. One of the guards spots them*

"Soldiers, they're getting away! Unleash the hounds!,"said Guard 1.

*The hounds are unleashes. Stella gasps*

"They've released the hounds of Solaria!,"said Stella. "And it's no use trying to use magic against them, it won't work in this dark rain!,"said Bloom. "Well then, we'll just have to run faster!,"said Tecna.

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