CHAPTER 1/Prologue

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"We broke up."

Thank God he was driving,so he just gave me a curious glance then focused on the road again.

"Oh really? What did he do?" I like how he just assumed it was his fault immediately.


"You caught him?"

"Star did."

"What a shame,Star seemed to really like him."

"She did."

"Did you tell him why?"

"No." I didn't miss the quick look he gave me before I looked out the window. But to my surprise, he snorted.


"How's Aimee?" He smirked at the mention of his could be girlfriend.

"You think it won't be wrong if I ask her to be my girlfriend on our next date?"

"It's a relief! With that growing tension and chemistry between you two,I wonder how long it'd take."

Conversation came easy and before I knew it,he was parked in the parking lot. I held my bag tighter, swinging it over my shoulder as I carefully stepped down.

Meeting Jason was inevitable,but I chose to push him out of my mind as I walked towards the bleachers to meet Star. She was comfortably sitted in a row,staring up at the clouds. Yeah she has this love for clouds.

"How's the cloud gazing going?" She finally turned around to look at me,a huge grin spreading across her face.

"They're so beautiful aren't they? And so are you."

"Thanks to you I'm not moping around like a retired zombie." I smiled at her cute giggle as her hand came around my shoulder.

"You got class?"

"Nah. You?"

"I do..." She let out an exaperated sigh. "What are you going to do?"

"Maybe I'll just drop by the cafe,you know I'll end up meeting Jason later today."

"Good luck with that."

"Good luck with the test."

"Oh don't remind me."

"Too late." I giggled as we reached out destination, standing in front of History class. She gave me a look,then waved. I hugged her before she muttered something then entered. She really hates history.

But as I was making my way out,I bumped into a guy. Who has clearly been working out, I must say, but that was a simple observation of course... Anyways, I stared up, ready to apologize, but I couldn't speak when I saw who it was.

Xavier. Hottest guy in school,bla bla bla,a bit smart I guess,bla bla bla,all the girls all over him, bla. Bla. Bla. You know, all the typical stuff. According to the school atleast. And by school I mean every girl in our school. Maybe some boys.

I found myself staring at his soft beautiful dirty blonde hair that had a shiny golden glow thanks to the sun,icy blue eyes,pink lips...


I immediately stepped back, putting my hands on his chest to push him a little. But he obviously stepped back himself, atleast getting the idea of what to do.

"Sorry." I said not able to look at him,but he did the exact opposite.

"It's ok we both weren't focused."

"Good." Before I could walk past him,I was surprised when he held my wrist and pulled me back a little.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Through the gate?"

"I thought you're normally with your boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend,we broke up."

"Really?" I understood his little confusion and surprise. Anyone you could ask would tell you my relationship with Jason was wonderful. Close to perfect. But I guess it was all some sort of act. "So what are you gonna do?"


"I mean..." He said, stepping closer. "Every girl I meet that's in your situation is either plotting revenge or is like this..." He cleared his throat for dramatic effect,already earning a giggle from me.

"Ohmygosh I can not believe he broke my heart, how dare he?! I won't date anyone because boys are stupid." I couldn't help but laugh at his mimicry of a poor broken hearted high school girl.

"I'm definitely not that second one,but the first choice is tempting." I shrugged, realizing his hold on my wrist because of the action.

It is still there?

I raised an eyebrow when he smirked and let go of my hand. "I have an offer,but I do have to get to me at the park tomorrow evening?"

I rolled my eyes at his excuse. He never cared about being late for class. He wasn't even late yet.

Something about him though, about this whole offer. It was intriguing. I know I just met him, and this all seemed kinda weird, but I knew I won't just let an opportunity like this pass me by.


"Can't wait." Then he made sure to bump his shoulders against mine playfully as he walked past me. I smiled at his retreating figure for a second, before I continued on my way to the cafe.

But then a familiar voice called my name just before I could finally leave the school gates.


This is my first serious book that I'm publishing, so I'd like to see some kind and respectful criticism in the comments.

~If it still exists in this world~

But seriously, I need to know where to improve, better ways to write, bla bla bla. Just let me know what you think about it once in a while please?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy...


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