Shooter Star

770 14 1

"Reishi and Reiatsu are 2 variants of spiritual energy.

Reishi is a sort of natural component in nature, it appears everywhere but is much more concentrated in the soul society or hueco mundo, Its mostly used by Quincys to create their bow and arrows

Reiatsu is something bound to a person, the stronger a person is the stronger their spiritual pressure is."

-The tribe eldest Isalith 

"I have such a headache" Says Aris Hung over in his bed

He gets up and notices the medallion in his bag that the leader gave him.

"huh forgotten about that thing, it looks weird like it has cracks. oh no I probably accidently destroyed it" Aris tells himself while putting on his hunting clothes and getting his wooden bow.

"I should go for a walk, I am still so hungover"

Before going into the forest, Aris goes to Gerard's house and knocks.

*knock knock*

"Wait a minute" Gerard yells across his home.

The door opens and Gerard stands in front of him "Come in Aris, drink a coffee with me!"

"Coffee where did you get that? Did you leave the village?" Asks Aris confused .

"Oh no! I actually found a small coffee plant, it doesn't make a lot of beans but after a few months, I want to drink it with a good friend!" Gerard says.

Aris enters Gerard's house which is littered with hunting trophies, after all he's the best hunter of the tribe. 

Aris sits down and sees Gerard pulverizing the beans with a mortar and pestle and filling them in a self made filter.

"here your coffee, you're also hungover right? I never saw somebody so young drink more than me!" Says Gerard while laughing.

"So you want to go hunting today?" Asks Gerard Aris while still sipping his coffee.

"Look at me I am all ready! Lets go!" Aris tells Gerard.

After both get ready and set they enter the forest, its dense and dark, without the right inner compass you would get lost in there in seconds. While both walk through the woods hearing the birds sing there lovely song and talking about the future of the tribe. Until they come across a small river flowing into the lake about 2 km (1,2 miles) away from the village. 

Before stopping though, they see a moose in the distance.

"Thinking what I think?" Asks Gerard Aris.

"That we are having  moose tonight?" Aris responds ironically .

Bothe ready the their bows and shoot, but Arises arrow flies straight through Gerard's Reishi arrow killing the moose.

"Forgot instead of training your reishi skills you only train accuracy, nice shot!" Gerard points out.

After taking off the moose's meat they make a small camp at the edge of the lake, with a campfire in the middle and 2 tree stems as chairs. Resting there for the rest of the day.

In the middle of the night Gerard starts to talk to Aris.

"Hey Aris"


"You know how we Quincys where eradicated?"

"Yeah the soul reapers hated us and hunted us all down, well besides us"

"We aren't the only survivors"

"What do you mean?"

"The where you're right, I was in the city, its called Katakura town, and I met a boy there, he was part of the Ishida's".

"What? There are more living Quincy's then us? We should visit them an-"

"That's where I have to stop you, we are not allowed to leave this spot, and even though I saw Quincy's, there where also many Soul Reaper watching us, of course they where only spy's to send information to the soul society but still, the war against the shinigami didn't ended 1000 years ago."

"What do you mean? We lost."

"The King of the Quincy, Yhwach didn't die."

"How do you know that?"

"Isalith lost his note book at the party and I found it, the reason he gave you the medallion is."

Authors note: Ok second chapter done with a cliff hanger just for you! and slightly shorter.

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