I rolled my suitcase and I got my backpack on my bag. I took a look at our room one more time, and the lavender color of our room has faded to the palest white. I didn't have a desk like most rooms have. It was just two beds and a nightstand.

I closed the door and I walked towards the mirror. Someone put a mirror in the middle of the wall which is convent in Sky's opinion.

I looked from my black fluffy hair, which was shoulder length, and if I straightened it, it would be up to my back length. I had brown skin, brown chocolate eyes as some boys like to put it, and a crappy sense of humor, haha. I had butterfly lashes, baby pink lips, and moisturized skin at most, yet I use nothing. I also had plump cheeks. Those chubby cheeks back in the day were long gone.

I have two dimples, but I do not show them anymore because I have no reason to smile since my parents are gone.

My identical twin is exactly like me, but you can tell us apart like this: she has one dimple instead of two, she wears contacts unlike me because I wear huge round glasses.

I went on to the dining room, and my heart sank when I saw the markings of our height when Sky and I were still younger. My mom wanted to see who grew more faster and we were always the same height so at the time it was just fun because she would chase us around and pin us to the wall so we would stay still. I'm guessing it had a deeper meaning. I intend to find it out.

I didn't know why height was so important to her, and I never even got a chance to I ask her, so I continued for her. Once in a while, I would ask Sky to help me measure her height, but now she would refuse, and I didn't really force her. I am now 5'8 and she is probably the same height.

I looked around the house and I saw the living room which was filled with people about 5 years ago, shouting at the TV but is now filled with emptiness, you know, kinda like me. It's a joke. See, I have a crappy sense of humor.

The kitchen once filled with warmth and amazing food was now empty and cold as hell. Actually, hell would be warmer than this kitchen.

Not to mention the bathroom, which is, well, still the same.

I waved goodbye to the small townhouse I call home. I closed the door, and I looked around. Seeing where I grew up made me realize that I will sure miss New York. I'm starting afresh in the state of Massachusetts.

Sky got a ride for us in a Corolla. Oh, and dear me, I would thank thee, if my heart hath not been filled with sorrow and blazed with anger I'm feeling right now. I read Shakespeare a lot, I'm sure he'd kill me seeing how much improper grammar I've used. I'd kill me if I were him.

It's not that I don't appreciate the ride. It's just that I had a bus ticket, but it's no use passing a free ride.

The car was red Corolla. The fuel efficiency has always been admirable. This vehicle had a fuel efficiency of 30 miles per gallon and 38 miles per gallon on the highway. It had the speed of up to 191 Kmph, and it had cruise control. When I got inside after putting my things in the car, I saw the car didn't have that much volume, so it's either do or die for me. By that, I mean I'm slightly asthmatic.

The car was a 5 seater. It had a cool leather interior and an acorn, which I would love for the dude to turn on. It would be so cool of him if he did that. Get it? No, I'll stop now.

The person who was driving us didn't really look that appealing, I guess Sky must be dating him for the ride. He had dirty blond hair, high cheekbones, and pale skin. He did have muscles, though, and pink lips. He has light hazel eyes, but they didn't intimidate me, they just made him a bit cute. Just a little.

"Did you have to bring her?" I nearly scoffed at his question because Sky was the one who dragged me here.

"Don't worry, babe, she's a nobody. It'll be like she's not here." She said, applying her lipstick that she got from whom the fudge knows where. If looks could kill, she'd be disintegrated first, then those dust particles would fly off to the graves where people mistreat their sisters!

The guy started the emission, and we were on the road. It was cold, so the windows were closed. It was a 4 to maybe 5 hour drive to Massachusetts depending on traffic, so I entertained myself.

The first hour, I predicted that they would break up before we even get to our destination, and I shouldn't have done because they literally threatened to drop me at the side of the road and we were in the middle of nowhere so I stopped. My predictions never fail me, though.

The second our I read about Mechanics, it was a book I 'permanently borrowed' from Ms Serena's boyfriend. I'm really bad with mechanics. I'm always a second or a meter or a kilometer off when it comes to calculations.

I learned about how to fix an oil change or fix the reservoir, which is the pipe that carries access oil. I also learned that cars could be customized by speed. It's just that the dealership does not tell you, and it's pretty dangerous. I learned about how to change a tire, which is apparently crucial.

I would love to customize the speed of this car when we get to Havard.

The third hour, I was exhaling heavily.

"Please just open one window." I begged while I wheezed.

"No." The dude with the blond hair said. My chest started getting tighter and tighter until I passed out.


I woke up and saw that we were outside a bigass yard and the building. So we're here.

"Oh, you're up." The dude said nonchalantly.

"Yeah." I rubbed my eyes, and I took my glasses from the floor to see clearly.

"Is it like 3:30 pm?" Checking if my interval algorithm is still intact.

"No. It's 4." He said as he sighed deeply. I knew it! My interval algorithm is messed up because I just had to pass out.

"Where's Sky?" Seeing that the front seat is not occupied by the passenger who was sitting in it.

"We broke up. So you called it." He said with fake enthusiasm.

"Boo hoo." I said sarcastically, getting out of the car. I knew my predictions never failed me.

"I feel like you're the better twin." He said, chuckling at my sarcastic antics.

"And you're what? Noticing that now?" I kept my face neutral.

"Yes." He went straight to the point.

"I don't even know your name, and now you say I'm the better twin when, a few hours ago, you wanted to kick me out of your car." I explained as I dragged my grey suitcase out of the trunk.

Wow, my so-called sister didn't even think to take my bag. She must've forgotten with all the ego running to her smart little head. Yes, she's smart too, which is why we are going to the same college, whoopee.

"It's Brandon, and you're right. I can't expect you to accept when I've just accepted you now." He apologetically said, his eyes showing all the sincerity I need to confirm that he is apologizing.

"Thanks for the ride." I said, striding off to campus.

This is it. Starting afresh. Making new friends and getting maybe a boyfriend. My new life is loading in, now!

A/N This fictional meaning it is not real. Please do not plagiarise. It is a crime to plagiarize, meaning taking credit for someone else's work.

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